2018 5세대 혼다 올 뉴 오딧세이 / 미국 미니밴 판매 1위 등극
5세대를 맞이해 새롭게 거듭난 올 뉴 오딧세이는 '모든 가족 구성원들이 쉽고 편리하게 즐길 수 있는 패밀리카'를 콘셉트로 개발됐다.
전면부는 미래지향적이고 역동적인 느낌을 주는 혼다 솔리드 윙 페이스가 적용돼 혼다 패밀리룩 특유의 정체성을 유지했다. 플로팅 D-필러에 새롭게 적용된 랩 어라운드 크롬 트림은 스포티하고 역동적인 느낌을 주며 헤드라이트, 안개등, 리어 콤비네이션 램프에 LED를 적용해 세련되고 고급스러워졌다.
측면부는 비대칭 캐릭터 라인을 뚜렷하게 적용해 더 역동적으로 날렵해졌다. 또한, 동급 최대 사이즈인 19인치 알로이 휠을 적용하고 기존의 돌출된 슬라이드 레일을 개선한 히든 슬라이드 레일을 새롭게 적용해 디자인의 완성도를 한층 끌어 올렸다.
후면부는 'C' 형상이 좌우 대칭을 이루는 리어 콤비네이션 램프가 적용돼 안정감을 주었고 램프 사이에 크롬바를 넣어 날렵하면서 세련된 이미지로 변모했다. 2열과 3열 및 후면부에는 프라이버시 글래스를 기본 적용해 탑승자의 쾌적한 승차 경험을 지원함은 물론 세련되고 고급스러워졌다.
계기판과 8인치 디스플레이는 기존 모델 보다 시인성이 더 뛰어나다. 컬러 디스플레이 디지털 계기판이 중앙에 탑재돼 주행 정보, 혼다 센싱, 오디오 정보, 전화 상태 등 다양한 주행 및 기타 부가 기능 정보를 운전자가 손쉽게 차량의 정보를 확인할 수 있어 운전에 집중할 수 있도록 돕는다.
한글 지원 안드로이드 OS 기반의 8인치 정전식 HD 디스플레이 오디오는 새로운 화면 디자인을 적용해 사용이 더욱 편리해졌으며, 메뉴 아이콘 컬러 적용을 통해 사용성을 개선했다.
아이폰의 음성 인식(Siri)을 비롯한 다양한 기능을 연동할 수 있는 애플 카플레이도 도입해 센터 콘솔 내부 USB 단자에 아이폰을 연결하면 사용할 수 있어 편리하다. 8인치 디스플레이 오디오 바로 밑에 있는 공조 장치는 레이아웃을 변경해 기존 모델 대비 효율성이 향상됐다.
올 뉴 오딧세이에 최초 적용된 캐빈 워치(Cabin Watch)는 리어 엔터테인먼트 시스템 부근에 장착된 와이드 카메라를 통해 촬영한 2, 3열의 영상을 디스플레이 오디오 화면을 통해 실시간으로 보여주는 기능이다. 이 기능을 통해 주행 중에도 시선의 큰 이동 없이 2, 3열 탑승 공간의 상황을 파악할 수 있어 운전자에게 안심감을 주고 전방 주시를 통한 안전 운전을 돕는다.
캐빈 토크(Cabin Talk)는 1열 탑승객의 목소리를 마이크를 통해 2, 3열의 스피커 및 헤드폰으로 들려주는 기능이다. 이 기능을 통해 운전 중에 헤드폰을 이용 중인 탑승객 및 2, 3열 탑승객과 원활한 커뮤니케이션이 가능하다. 안드로이드 디스플레이 오디오 상의 메뉴 선택을 통해 작동하며 오디오 볼륨 컨트롤을 통해 볼륨 조절도 가능하다.
시트는 좌석 패드의 개선과 천연 가죽을 적용해 착좌감이 뛰어나고 조절은 자동이라 편리하다. 1열의 운전석과 조수석 시트는 어깨 부위를 곡선화해 뒷자리 탑승객의 시야 개방감을 향상시켰다. 운전석 시트는 어떤 체형도 편안하게 사용 가능한 4방향 럼버 서포트 기능, 최대 2인까지 지원하는 운전석 메모리 시스템을 적용해 별도의 시트 조작 없이 보다 편리하게 운전할 수 있도록 돕는다.
2열 상단에는 기존 모델 대비 더 커진 10.2인치 모니터가 적용돼 Blu-ray, DVD 및 CD 형식의 멀티미디어를 감상할 수 있다. 기존 탈착식에서 고정식으로 변경된 프런트 센터 콘솔은 스마트폰 무선충전장치 뿐만 아니라 각종 수납 공간, 내부 조명등, USB, HDMI, 12V 전원 소켓을 탑재해 편의성을 높였다.
차체는 전장 5190mm, 전폭 1995mm, 전고 1765mm, 축거 3000mm의 크기로 기존 모델 대비 전장 10mm, 전고 30mm 늘어나 2열과 3열 시트가 성인이 탑승하면 레그룸과 헤드룸이 넉넉하다.
2열 시트는 센터 시트를 제외하고 전후 좌우 이동이 가능하다. 2열 센터 시트 탈 거 후 사이드 그립을 통해 손쉽게 조작도 가능하며 매직 슬라이드 기능을 통해 승차 인원 및 이용 상황에 맞추어 다양한 시트 배치가 가능하다. 또한, 중앙 통로를 통한 편리한 3열 승하차가 가능한 이지액세스 모드, 2열 시트를 조수석 측으로 모두 이동시킨 슈퍼 모드, 2열 좌우 좌석 공간을 최대한 확보해 안락한 공간을 제공하는 와이드 모드, 2열 좌우 좌석을 중앙에 집중시켜 1열에서의 접근을 용이하게 한 버디 모드 등이 가능하며 카시트를 장착한 상태에서도 3열 승하차가 자유로워 시트 활용성을 향상시켰다.
6:4 매직 폴딩이 적용된 3열 시트는 스트렙을 당기는 간단한 조작으로 좌석을 수납해 적재 공간을 활용할 수 있다. 트렁크 공간은 기존 모델 보다 50mm 증가해 3열 시트를 폴딩하지 않고도 여행용 캐리어 4개 또는 쌍둥이 유모차 등 대형 화물의 적재가 가능하다. 3열 매직 시트를 폴딩하고 2열 시트를 탈거할 경우 2400mmx1200mm의 넓은 널빤지까지 적재할 수 있다. 양손에 짐을 든 상황에서는 스마트키를 소지하고 트렁크 후면에서 간단한 킥 모션을 취하면 테일게이트를 열고 닫을 수 있는 핸즈프리 기능이 적용돼 트렁크 개폐가 가능하다. 트렁크 측면에는 진공청소기도 탑재돼 차량 실내 청결 유지를 돕는다.
3.5리터 직분사 VCM 가솔린 엔진과 전자제어식 10단 자동변속기가 탑재돼 최고출력 284마력과 최대토크 36.2kg.m의 성능을 발휘한다. 복합 연비는 9.2km/L(도심: 7.9km/L, 고속: 11.5km/L)이다.
올 뉴 오딧세이에는 사고를 미연에 방지하거나 회피를 유도하는 최첨단 안전 시스템인 혼다 센싱이 탑재됐다. 이 시스템은 전면 그릴 안에 장착된 레이더와 전면 유리 안쪽 윗부분에 장착된 카메라를 통해 수집된 정보를 통해 자동 감응식 정속 주행 장치(ACC), 차선 유지 보조 시스템(LKAS), 추돌 경감 제동 시스템(CMBS/FCW), 차선 이탈 경감시스템(RDM/LDW) 등으로 구현하며, 운전자가 보다 편안하고 안전하게 주행할 수 있도록 돕는다.
The 2018 Honda Odyssey is the 5th generation of Honda's perennially popular minivan. In every element of its design, the new Odyssey was created to meet the needs of families in their everyday lives, providing unprecedented comfort, confidence-inspiring performance, and advanced family-friendly technology.
Exterior Styling
The new fifth-generation Odyssey is a progressive and sporty evolution of the Odyssey's well-known exterior form. In front, the 2018 model includes the latest version of Honda's trapezoid grille, with boldly restyled chrome bars, stylized headlights, and new wing-shaped LED daytime running lights (DRL) lending a premium appearance on EX and above models. Bright LED headlights and fog lights complete the Touring and Elite trims. The hood gains new character lines that add a more visually enticing and sophisticated look, while the front fascia invokes a sports sedan, with a large lower air inlet.
Despite sharing the same wheelbase and a similar height and length with the previous generation, from the side Honda's new 2018 Odyssey looks longer, lower and more athletic. Front-end features - in particular, the lighting - wrap around to the body sides more emphatically. The model's characteristic Z-shaped "lightning bolt" side character lines are more strongly developed, new character lines on the doors add light contrast and visual intrigue, and a new partial black-out treatment for the D-pillar lends the appearance of the Odyssey's tapered roof "floating" over the cabin greenhouse.
Wraparound chrome trim adds a luxurious touch on all trims, as do chrome door handles on EX and above trims, and body-color lower side sills on the Touring and Elite trims. Re-engineering the sliding side door mechanisms removes the previous model's visible rails along the rear body sides, giving the new Odyssey a cleaner appearance, while the larger 18-inch and available 19-inch wheels and tires further bolster the 2018 Odyssey's athletic stance.
Unique C-shaped taillights give the Honda Odyssey a more luxurious and modern rear appearance, as does expansive chrome trim joining the taillights across the tailgate. Additional character lines visually divide the tailgate into lower, mid and upper segments, with light playing differently on each surface for more visual appeal.
The 2018 Odyssey receives the most thorough and intensive array of aerodynamic refinements of any Odyssey generation to date. This comprehensive approach boosts aerodynamic efficiency and reduces wind noise. Examples of the aero efforts found on the 2018 Odyssey include extensive under covers, the Active Shutter Grille system, hidden windshield wipers, wind-sculptured side mirrors (power folding on Elite), and many small but pertinent details such as under-body strakes, shark fin-type antenna, and a rear spoiler (black on LX, EX, EX-L and Touring trims, body-color on Elite).
Active Shutter Grille System
In a first for Odyssey, Honda's Active Shutter Grille system located below the front bumper reduces aerodynamic drag especially at cruising speeds, directly helping to improve fuel efficiency. Included on all 2018 Odyssey trims, the system uses an electric actuator controlled by a processor that tracks major temperature parameters, including engine coolant and radiator temperatures, intake air temperature, transmission oil temperature and air-conditioning requirements, all of which can vary due to weather, road conditions, vehicle speed, throttle and gear positions, and towing activity. The system either opens or closes the four shutters simultaneously to control the amount of air flowing through the engine's radiator and the air conditioner's condenser. The system is designed to keep the shutters closed as much as possible - even in city driving.
Underbody Aero Package
The new Honda Odyssey includes an underbody aero package consisting of a 2-piece undercover behind the front fascia and underneath the engine and transmission, flat underbody surfaces extending between the front and rear wheel areas, air-diverting strakes positioned ahead of all four tires, and an additional undercover behind the left rear tire (the tailpipe occupies the space behind the right rear tire). These undercovers directly improve fuel efficiency, particularly on the highway.
Outward visibility for the driver and passengers has been improved in the 2018 Odyssey thanks to a host of small but important measures. Key improvements include:
Front quarter windows relocated from the A-pillars to the doors improve cornering visibility by 5 percent.
Improved A-pillar construction increases forward visibility by 1.5 degrees.
The front quarter window and A-pillar changes combined improve cornering visibility by 8 percent.
The new tailgate design reduces D-pillar visible obstruction by 9.7 percent.
Next-Generation Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) Body Structure
The 2018 Odyssey's enhanced Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) body structure is the second generation of Honda's proprietary ACE structural design. ACE is an exclusive body design that enhances occupant protection and crash compatibility in frontal crashes. It uses a network of connected structural elements to distribute crash energy more evenly throughout the front of the vehicle, helping to reduce the forces transferred to the passenger compartment. It can help to more evenly disperse the forces transferred to other vehicles in a crash as well. ACE also helps reduce the chances that one vehicle will override or underride another, improving crash compatibility of vehicles that differ in size. ACE goes further by offering additional strength and protection in small overlap frontal collisions, which are among the most severe. Multiple material grades, including ultra-high-strength steel, are used in the Odyssey's body construction to help optimize safety performance.
Body Construction
Based on Honda's global light truck platform, the 2018's Odyssey body structure has 44-percent greater torsional rigidity than the previous model. High-strength steel comprises 58 percent of the body structure, contributing to both improved stiffness and reduced mass for the unit-body.
Stiffening the body with ultra-high-strength steel, hot-stamped steel and adhesives in critical areas likewise directly contribute to reduced noise and vibration, and improved ride and handling. The structural improvements also help reduce mass, directly contributing to increased fuel efficiency.
3-Bone Front Floor Structure
Located under the front floor of the new Honda Odyssey is a variation of the "3-Bone" structure used in the Pilot that improves impact load management, directing energy around the passenger cabin in the event of a frontal collision. The structure creates three different load pathways, or "backbones," that channel collision energy. One channels collision forces from the front of the vehicle directly underneath the passenger cabin; the other two channel collision forces under the vehicle's left and right side frames. The result is an improved capability to safely channel energy during a frontal crash.
Optimized Body Materials
Multiple grades of high-strength steel are used in the Odyssey's body construction to help achieve excellent overall vehicle dynamics, optimize safety performance, reduce weight, and lower noise, vibration and harshness (NVH). The combination of advanced materials and evolved engineering processes save 75 lbs. in unit-body weight compared to the previous-generation Odyssey.
Key Engineering Features
The 2018 Honda Odyssey features several unique advancements in body design and materials that significantly improve overall rigidity, while reducing weight. This directly helps improve overall vehicle dynamics, crash safety performance, interior quietness, and long-term durability.
Ultra-High Strength Door Rings
For the first time, the new 2018 Odyssey has 1500-megapascal (MPa) ultra-high-strength steel door reinforcement beams and ultra-high-strength front door outer stiffener rings made of 1500-MPa hot-stamped steel. Laser welded and significantly stronger than ordinary steel, the ultra-high-strength steel reinforcements are designed to help better protect occupants in a frontal or side impact. Their increased strength allows the components to be made lighter which also helps reduce overall vehicle weight for improved fuel efficiency.
Rigid Tailgate Opening Ring
The strength of the "tailgate ring" (the circular metal structure surrounding the tailgate) is vitally important for superior vehicle handling, stability and ride quality. Debuting on the 2016 Honda Pilot and applied to the 2018 Odyssey for the first time, this advanced tailgate ring contributes to the new model's gain in torsional rigidity, benefiting ride, handling and NVH.
Structural Foam
For the first time in the Odyssey, body stiffness is enhanced using structural foam inserts in key locations. These include the left and right C-pillar stiffeners, and within an inside bracket that connects the left and right side center frames under the front floor. The improved body stiffness pays dividends in handling precision, ride quality, NVH and crash safety.
Structural Adhesives
The new Odyssey makes widespread use of structural adhesives in the unit-body, supplementing structural welds and significantly increasing rigidity without the additional mass of steel components. Structural adhesives are used at the roof edges and around the moonroof opening, in the front floor and cowl area, in the A- and B-pillars, around the front suspension upper mounts, and extensively throughout the rear of the body. Applied before the body panels are welded together, some 147.6 feet of adhesives (32.8 ft. more than in the previous Odyssey generation) account for approximately 3.5 percent of the entire unit-body stiffness.
Acoustic Spray Foam
To provide extra sound insulation by blocking off hollow pillars, acoustic spray foam is applied in 14 locations in the Odyssey body for the first time in Honda history. The areas include the base of the A-, B-, C- and D-pillars, as well as the base of the windshield frame and at the top of the C- and D-pillars. In addition, acoustic tape is applied at base of the A-, B- and C-pillars, and a foam stopper is applied to the bottom of the B-pillar. Altogether, the use of these body sealing techniques results in a 55-percent reduction in body leaks, which significantly reduces noise entering the cabin in critical sections. All foam and acoustic tape application is done while the unit-body is in its just manufactured "body-in-white" form - before attachment of key components and assemblies.
Cast Magnesium Steering Hanger Beam
Located behind the instrument panel, the Honda Odyssey's cast magnesium steering hanger beam replaces the multi-part steel unit in the previous Odyssey. Its purpose is as a structural attachment point for the steering column and instrument panel, as well as a structural element that helps the passenger cabin retain its shape in certain collisions.
The cast magnesium steering hanger beam offers several advantages compared to the previous steel unit:
Simpler Construction - Created from a single casting instead of multiple different extrusions and stampings, the new magnesium steering hanger beam offers more precise construction.
Lighter Weight - The magnesium steering hanger beam saves 10.1 lbs. compared to a comparable steel component, contributing to improved ride and handling, fuel efficiency and lower emissions.
Better Fit and Finish - The exacting tolerances of the magnesium steering hanger beam allow for a more precise location of the instrument panel for improved fit and finish.
Aluminum Front Bumper Beam
The aluminum front bumper beam saves 2.6 lbs. while enhancing structural integrity.
Composite Materials
For the first time, the Odyssey body structure also utilizes composite materials to further reduce weight while enhancing rigidity and noise dampening. One example is inside the C-pillars, where composite stiffeners, together with the structural foam mentioned above help improve body rigidity. Another example is the base that supports the Odyssey's battery. Created from a single composite casting, it holds the battery securely while adding minimal weight to the overall body structure, saving 2.9 lbs. over the previous Odyssey.
Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH) Countermeasures
The new Odyssey greatly benefits from a much more rigid and tightly sealed body with substantially increased use of structural adhesives and sealers, as well as new front and rear suspension subframes and extensive aerodynamic tailoring to form the basis for a quiet vehicle. Additionally, the 2018 Odyssey uses a refined, multiple-tier insulation package that takes noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) countermeasures to the next level, positioning it at the top of its competitive set.
Along with acoustic spray foam applied in 14 critical locations, all Odyssey trims feature triple door seals and Active Noise Control technology to help prevent unwanted noise from reaching the passengers. While all trims benefit from thicker front and rear door glass, Elite receives acoustic front/rear door glass and adds an additional carpet barrier layer, acoustic fabric fender liners, additional slide door insulation, and rear wheelhouse insulators.
Exterior Lighting
The 2018 Honda Odyssey incorporates a wide range of halogen and light-emitting diode (LED) exterior lighting features. LED headlights are available for the first time, joining available LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL), available LED side mirror turn signals and LED taillights to provide the brightest and most visually distinctive array of Odyssey exterior lighting yet.
LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL)
Odyssey EX, EX-L, Touring and Elite trims have bright, distinctive LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL). A signature design feature of the new Odyssey, the DRLs utilize Honda's characteristic wing shape positioned below and beside the low-beam headlights. Shaped to match the modern, elegant and athletic look of the new Odyssey, the LED DRL array tapers as it moves from the body side toward the inside of the headlight lens. Stylistically, the DRLs strongly and clearly define the front corners of the Odyssey.
Projector-Beam Headlights
Included on the Odyssey LX, EX, EX-L and EX-L N/R, projector-beam-style halogen headlights feature round outboard low beams and round inboard high-beam illumination. The Odyssey LX headlights have an auto-off feature to protect the battery's state of charge if the driver leaves the vehicle without switching off the lights, while Odyssey EX and above trims add the convenience and safety of auto on/off high beams (AHB).
LED Headlights
Exclusive to the Odyssey Touring and Elite trims, LED low- and high-beam headlights provide improved nighttime illumination and visibility compared to contemporary high-intensity discharge (HID) headlights. Six LEDs serve as low beams and three LEDs serve as high beams on each side. Besides improving driver confidence and passive safety, the LED headlights use less energy, helping to enhance fuel efficiency by reducing engine loads. In addition, the LED headlights last up to five times longer than HID headlights and up to 10 times longer than halogen headlights - contributing to less frequent replacement and the associated cost savings. An auto on/off function is also included.
Compared to conventional halogen headlights, the Odyssey's available LED headlights offer some 32.8 feet (10 meters) wider illuminated area on each side - as well as a 26.2 foot (8 meter) longer reach line - when low beams are in use. The width and reach advantages aid drivers in more safely and confidently navigate both straight and winding roads. Odyssey's auto-high beam feature further improves safety.
LED Taillights
All 2018 Odyssey trims feature LED taillights, whose C-shaped design complements the wing-shaped design of the available front LED DRLs and providing a distinctive Odyssey appearance that is easy to spot on the road.
One-Touch Power Moonroof with Tilt Feature
The Odyssey EX-L, Touring and Elite trims feature a power tilting and sliding front moonroof with a manual sunshade. To tilt or slide the moonroof, the driver or front passenger needs only to fully press the ceiling-mounted switch once (instead of pressing and holding it for several seconds). The moonroof fully opens or closes automatically. However, if the operator wishes to only partially open or close the moonroof (such as to achieve partial ventilation), a lighter touch yields fully manual control. The moonroof can also tilt to provide ventilation. An auto-reverse feature is built in, helping to mitigate the possibility of a pinched finger or limb. If the moonroof motor's ECU detects a threshold level of mechanical resistance, indicating a possible obstruction, the motor will automatically reverse and reopen the moonroof.
Acoustic Glass
Acoustic laminated windshield glass helps reduce noise entering the cabin on EX-L and above trims. Tuned specifically to attenuate wind-, urban- and traffic-noise frequencies, the acoustic windshield uses an outer layer of 2.0 mm safety glass, a 0.7 mm thick middle layer of acoustic polyvinyl butyral (PVB) and a 2.0 mm inner layer for a total thickness of 4.7 mm - an increase over the 4.5mm thickness of the previous-generation Honda Odyssey windshield. This helps the Odyssey place at the top of its class in wind-noise performance.
All Odyssey trims through Touring have 5.0 mm tempered front door glass while Elite adds 4.8 mm acoustic laminated front door glass and 4.3 mm acoustic laminated rear door glass. All Odyssey trims utilize 3.5 mm rear quarter window glass and 3.5 mm tailgate glass. In addition, the available power moonroof uses 3.5mm dark gray privacy glass.
Rain-Sensing Windshield Wipers
The Odyssey Elite includes rain-sensing wipers that automatically activate if water is detected on the windshield. Designed to cover the maximum possible windshield area, the left (driver) and right (front passenger) windshield wipers are 25.6 inches and 22.6 inches long, respectively. They also feature breakaway wiper pivots to mitigate the potential for injury in the event of a pedestrian collision. The rear wiper is 15.7 inches long.
Wiper-linked auto on/off headlights are included on the Odyssey EX and above trims. When the headlight function is set to the AUTO mode, the headlights turn on after the wipers have completed five wipe cycles; they then automatically turn off 2 ½ minutes after the last wipe.
Smart Entry
Included on the EX and above trims, Smart Entry simplifies approaching, entering and operating the Odyssey - especially when the driver has his or her hands full. To gain entry to vehicle, the driver simply pulls one of the two front door handles while the remote is in his or her possession. The 2018 Odyssey LX retains the previous remote entry system.
Sliding Side Doors
New on the 2018 Honda Odyssey are center door rails hidden under the rear side glass that replace the visible rails located on the body sides behind the rear doors on the second- through 4th-generation Odyssey. The result is a clean, seamless appearance for the rear body side and no visible side door rails or components.
A safety latch prevents the left-hand sliding door from opening when the fuel lid is open.
Like the front doors and tailgate, the side doors feature full 360-degree seals to reduce wind and road noise, water and debris from entering the vehicle.
Power Side Doors
Odyssey EX and above trims include power sliding side doors that can be activated by a switch (to operate left, right or both doors) on the instrument panel, by a switch from the second-row seating area, by pulling on either the interior or exterior door handle, or by buttons (left or right) on the remote key fob.
The system features improved operating logic. In the previous Odyssey generation, if the driver and a passenger outside the vehicle were to each activate a power side door at approximately the same time, the door could start to open with the first person's action, and then stop as soon as the second person took action. To eliminate this on the 2018 Odyssey, new door logic enables the door to operate as intended if two identical activations (such as the driver and a passenger both wishing to open a door) are entered within a half second of each other. For instance, if a parent pulls up to the curb at school and presses the power side door open button at approximately the same time as does a child waiting curbside, the door will open as desired. If longer than a half second passes between activations, door operation will stop, and a warning beep will sound.
For improved safety, the sliding doors will only open halfway if the associated window is also open about halfway, or more.
In addition, on Touring and Elite trims, the available HondaLink smartphone app allows checking whether the Odyssey is locked or unlocked, and then either locking or unlocking the vehicle doors remotely.
Tailgate Design
The design of the opening and the use of a spindle-less power tailgate system on EX-L and above trims contribute to a cleaner overall appearance when the tailgate is open. A summary of advantages for the redesigned tailgate area include:
A low 24.8 inch lift-over height allows easy loading and unloading of cargo, while a scuff plate protects the bumper from blemishes.
At 48.6 inches wide, the new Odyssey's tailgate opening permits loading bulky items, up to and including 4x8-foot plywood sheets.
At 38.2 inches high, the 2018 Odyssey's cargo opening is highest in class.
The new tailgate design allows reduced D-pillar visual obstruction.
Power Tailgate
The Odyssey EX-L and above trims feature a power tailgate. Replacing the twin gas-charged struts and separate electric motor system on the previous Odyssey, the new Odyssey uses a spindle-less design utilizing a small electric motor and worm gear fully housed in the roof area. The spindle-less system lends the tailgate area a cleaner appearance while helping to improve opening width and cargo volume. The spindle-less system is also 1.4 lbs. lighter than the gear-driven system available on the previous-generation Odyssey.
The power tailgate can be operated via the remote key fob, from a button on the driver's side of the instrument panel, from a button above the rear license plate (for opening only), or from a button located inside the tailgate (for closing only). Opening or closing the tailgate takes 6.4 seconds, about a second quicker than on the previous generation.
Three new tailgate operating functions are included in the new Honda Odyssey (EX-L and above trims):
Stop and Hold - The stop and hold feature allows the tailgate to be stopped at any desired position, which is useful when the Odyssey is parked in tight areas such as in a crowded parking lot, in a garage, or near a wall.
Programmable Height - This new function allows the Odyssey driver to set the opening height of the tailgate to their desired level. This allows drivers of different heights to program the tailgate to open at a height that is convenient for them. Like the stop and hold function, the programmable height function allows safe use of the tailgate in a confined area such as a garage with a low ceiling. To use the programmable height function, simply press the tailgate switch (located on the interior tailgate lining) when the tailgate is open for 3 seconds when the tailgate reaches the desired height. The system beeps twice to indicate that it has been programmed.
Hands-Free Access - New to the Odyssey Touring and Elite is a Hands-Free Access system. Convenient and versatile, this premium feature makes operating the available power tailgate easier when the user's hands are full. With Hands-Free Access, the tailgate can be easily opened or closed by a simple in-and-out kicking motion underneath the center area of the rear bumper. If the Odyssey is equipped with a trailer hitch, the kick zone is slightly to the left or right of the trailer hitch. This enables people carrying items the ability to load or retrieve items, even if both hands are full and unable to operate the remote. It also keeps the driver's hands clean if the tailgate and handle are dirty. Hands-Free Access works when the user is carrying the Odyssey's key fob. For safety, the lights flash when the system senses a kick, alerting the user to move away from the tailgate as it rises.
On Touring and Elite trims, the available HondaLink smartphone app allows checking whether the Odyssey is locked or unlocked, and then to either lock, or unlock the vehicle doors - including the tailgate - remotely.
Exterior Colors
The 2018 Odyssey is available in eight exterior colors including four metallic and four pearl colors, depending on trim level. All colors have a strong character, offering expressive contrasts that complement the unique curves and angles of the new body design, while also exhibiting a modern and sophisticated appearance.
Exterior Dimensions
The 2018 Odyssey shares the same 118.1-inch wheelbase with the previous-generation Odyssey for superb second- and third-row seating roominess, easy ingress and egress, and superior ride comfort. The overall length increases fractionally to 203.2 inches due to a 0.4-inch longer rear overhang, while the width decreases by 1.1-inches to reduce frontal area, reducing aerodynamic drag. Overall height is nearly identical. The dimensional adjustments do not compromise interior roominess, as the new Odyssey offers fractionally more front and third-row headroom, retains almost identical overall passenger volume, and offers more cargo volume, with two inches more length in the cargo area, than the previous generation.
Powering the 2018 Honda Odyssey is a 3.5-liter direct injected i-VTEC® 24-valve SOHC V6 engine with Variable Cylinder Management™ (VCM™). The new engine is common with the powerplant in the 2017 Pilot and is mated to one of two new transmissions - a 9-speed automatic (9AT), also introduced in the Pilot, for LX, EX, EX-L and EX-L NR trims, and an all-new minivan and front wheel drive-first 10-speed automatic (10AT) for Touring and Elite models. For the first time ever, all Odyssey models are equipped with steering wheel mounted paddle shifters, to give drivers greater control over transmission operation, which is particularly useful in mountainous driving or when towing. Models equipped with the new 10AT also have a new Idle-Stop capability, which further enhances fuel efficiency.
The Odyssey's new engine - from the Honda EarthDreams® Technology powertrain series - is rated at 280 peak horsepower and 262 lb.-ft. peak torque. Peak engine output is up 32 horsepower and 12 pound-feet of torque from the previous model, with increased torque over the engine's entire operating (rpm) range.
The new, more efficient engine and transmissions, along with as much as a 75-pound reduction in vehicle weight (EX-L trim) and improved aerodynamics, among other reductions to running resistance, result in enhanced performance and fuel efficiency.
Cylinder Block and Crank
With its 60-degree V-angle, the Odyssey's V6 engine is inherently smooth and has compact overall dimensions that allow efficient packaging within the vehicle. The engine has a high-pressure die-cast lightweight aluminum alloy block with cast-in-place iron cylinder liners. Made with a centrifugal spin-casting process, the thin-wall liners are high in strength and low in porosity. The block incorporates a deep-skirt design with four bolts per bearing cap for rigid crankshaft support and minimized noise and vibration. The engine also uses a high-tensile strength steel crankshaft is for minimum weight.
A cooling control spacer positioned in the water jacket surrounding the cylinders helps control warm-up and operating cylinder liner temperatures to reduce friction. Plateau honing of the cylinder lining further reduces friction between the piston skirts and the cylinder walls by creating an ultra-smooth surface. This 2-stage machining process uses two grinding processes instead of the more conventional single-stage honing process. Plateau honing also enhances the long-term wear characteristics of the engine.
Pistons/Connecting Rods
Designed with "cavity-shaped" crowns, the 2018 Odyssey's pistons help maintain stable combustion and contribute to stratified-charge combustion. Ion-plated piston rings help reduce friction for greater operating efficiency. Heavy-duty steel connecting rods are forged in one piece and then "crack separated" to create a lighter and stronger rod with an optimally fitted bearing cap.
Cylinder Head and Valvetrain
Like other Honda V6 powerplants, the Honda Odyssey engine's 4-valve cylinder heads are a single-overhead-camshaft design, with the cams driven by the crankshaft via an automatically tensioned timing belt. Made of low-pressure die-cast, low-porosity aluminum, each cylinder head incorporates a "tumble port" design that improves combustion efficiency by creating a more homogeneous fuel-air mixture. An integrated exhaust manifold cast into each cylinder head reduces parts count, saves weight, improves flow and optimizes the location of the close-coupled catalyst on each cylinder bank for quick "light off."
i-VTEC with 2-Stage Variable Cylinder Management™ (VCM®)
The Odyssey's V6 engine combines Variable Cylinder Management (VCM) with Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control (i-VTEC), which changes the lift profile, timing and lift duration of the intake valves. A switching mechanism allows each cylinder to operate with low-rpm valve lift and duration or high-rpm lift and duration. While operating in 3-cylinder mode, the rear cylinder bank's rocker arms deactivate, closing all intake and exhaust valves to minimize pumping losses.
The "intelligent" portion of the system is its ability to vary valve operation based on the driving situation and engine rpm. At low rpm, the i-VTEC intake valve timing and lift are optimized (low lift, short duration) for increased torque, which allows a wide range of 3-cylinder operation. As engine rpm builds past 5,350 rpm, the i-VTEC system transitions to a high-lift, long-duration intake cam profile for superior high-rpm engine power.
Drive-by-Wire Throttle System
The Honda Odyssey's Drive-by-Wire throttle system replaces a conventional throttle cable with smart electronics that "connect" the accelerator pedal to a throttle valve inside the throttle-body. The result is less under-hood clutter and lower weight, as well as quicker and more accurate throttle actuation. Plus, a tunable "gain" rate - the relationship between throttle pedal application and throttle opening - offers improved drivability and optimized engine response to suit specific driving conditions.
Honda's Drive-by-Wire throttle system establishes the current driving conditions by monitoring throttle pedal position, throttle valve position, engine speed (rpm) and road speed. This information is used to define the throttle control sensitivity that gives the Odyssey's throttle pedal a predictable and responsive feel that meets driver expectations.
Direct Injection System
The Honda Odyssey's new direct-injection system enables increased torque across the engine's full operating range along with higher fuel efficiency. The system features a compact, high-pressure, direct-injection pump that allows both high fuel flow and pulsation suppression, while variable pressure control optimizes injector operation. A multi-hole injector delivers fuel directly into each cylinder (not to the intake port, as in the previous generation Odyssey), allowing for more efficient combustion.
The multi-hole injectors can create the ideal stoichiometric fuel/air mixture in the cylinders for good emissions control. Theoretically, a stoichiometric mixture has just enough air to completely burn the available fuel. Based on the operating conditions, the direct-injection system alters its function for best performance. Upon cold engine startup, fuel is injected into the cylinders on the compression stroke. This creates a weak stratified charge effect that improves engine start-up and reduces exhaust emissions before a normal operating temperature is reached.
Once the engine is fully warmed up, for maximum power and fuel efficiency fuel is injected during the intake stroke. This helps create a more homogeneous fuel/air mix in the cylinder that is aided by the high-tumble intake port design. This improves volumetric efficiency, and the cooling effect of the incoming fuel improves anti-knock performance.
Every 2018 Odyssey is equipped with an ECON button that helps improve fuel efficiency by modifying throttle mapping and HVAC operation. When the system is operating, a green ECO indicator appears on the instrument panel and the Drive-by-Wire throttle system provides a more gradual response. To save additional energy, the climate control system characteristics are altered based on the conditions. A green coaching light in the instrument display gives the driver feedback to help improve their real-world fuel economy and instant or average fuel economy can be displayed.
Direct Ignition and Detonation/Knock Control
The Odyssey's Electronic Control Unit (ECU) monitors engine functions to determine the best ignition spark timing. Two engine block-mounted acoustic detonation/knock sensors "listen" to the engine, and based on this input, the ECU can retard the ignition timing to prevent potentially damaging detonation. The engine has an ignition coil unit for each cylinder positioned within each spark plug's access bore.
Idle-Stop System
To help improve fuel efficiency, the Odyssey Touring and Elite are equipped with Idle-Stop capability. When the system is enabled by the driver and certain operating conditions are met, the Idle-Stop system will automatically shut off the engine when the vehicle comes to a stop. The engine is automatically restarted when the driver releases the brake pedal after a stop, or if the steering wheel is turned. If the Brake Hold system is in use, the engine quickly restarts after the throttle is depressed.
The system is engineered to operate smoothly and seamlessly. When stopped, a special cold storage evaporator in the air conditioning system helps maintain a comfortable cabin temperature even in warm weather. Idle-Stop operation is also integrated with the operation of the Odyssey's Brake Hold system.
The Idle-Stop feature can be turned on/off and the system will automatically turn itself off in certain circumstances, including:
If the driver's seatbelt is not fastened
If the engine coolant and/or transmission fluid temperature is too high or low
If the vehicle comes to a stop again before vehicle speed reaches 3 mph
If the transmission is in a position other than "D"
If the battery state of charge is low, or the battery temperature is below 14°F
If the climate control system is on and the outside temperature is below -4°F
If the rear HVAC fan is set to maximum speed
Close-Coupled Catalysts and High-Flow Exhaust System
The exhaust manifolds of the 3.5-liter V6 are integrated into the aluminum cylinder heads to reduce weight, minimize parts count, and maximize under-hood space. The result of this casting design is that the two primary catalytic converters are positioned close to the combustion chambers, enabling extremely rapid converter "light-off" after engine start. A significant weight savings is realized by eliminating traditional exhaust manifolds. Downstream of the close-coupled catalytic converters, a hydroformed 2-into-1 collector pipe carries exhaust gases to a secondary, underfloor catalytic converter.
Emissions Control
The 2018 Honda Odyssey 3.5-liter V6 engine meets the tough EPA Interim Tier 3/Bin 125 and CARB LEV3/ULEV-125 emissions standards, and is certified to this level of emissions performance for 150,000 miles. Numerous advanced technologies are factors in the emissions performance. The unique cylinder head-mounted close-coupled catalytic converters light off quickly after engine start up, and a 32-bit RISC microprocessor within the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) boosts computing power to improve the precision of spark and fuel delivery.
The engine features Programmed Fuel Injection (PGM-FI) that continually adjusts the fuel delivery to yield the best combination of power, low fuel consumption and low emissions. Multiple sensors constantly monitor critical engine operating parameters such as intake air temperature, ambient air pressure, throttle position, intake airflow volume, intake manifold pressure, coolant temperature, exhaust-to-air ratios, as well as the position of the crankshaft and the camshafts.
To further improve emissions compliance, the 3.5-liter V6 makes use of an after-catalytic-converter exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system that allows cleaner, cooler EGR gas to be fed back into the intake system. An EGR system, especially one that delivers a cleaner, cooler charge, reduces pumping loss for better fuel efficiency.
Noise and Vibration Control
With its 60-degree V-angle and compact, rigid and lightweight high-pressure die-cast aluminum cylinder block assembly, the 3.5-liter V6 powerplant is exceptionally smooth during operation. Other factors that help reduce engine noise and vibration are a rigid forged-steel crankshaft, die-cast accessory mounts, and a stiff cast-aluminum oil pan that reduces cylinder block flex.
Active Control Engine Mounts
A powerful 28-volt Active Control Engine Mount system (ACM) is used to minimize the effects of engine vibration as the VCM system switches cylinders on and off. The 28-volt ACM is a key factor in the VCM's broad range of operation in the new Odyssey. Sensors alert the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) to direct ACM actuators positioned at the front and rear of the engine to cancel engine vibration using a reverse-phase motion.
100,000+/- Mile Tune-up Intervals
The Honda Odyssey's 3.5-liter V6 requires no scheduled maintenance for 100,000+/- miles or more, other than periodic inspections and normal fluid and filter replacements. The first tune-up includes water pump inspection, valve adjustment, replacement of the camshaft timing belt, and the installation of new spark plugs.
Battery Management System
The Battery Management System (BMS) is designed to increase the overall service life of the battery, reduce the chance of a dead battery and help improve fuel efficiency. Should the owner accidentally leave the headlights on or fail to fully close a door causing an interior light to remain on, the BMS will automatically terminate power delivery after a set period to prevent the battery from being drained of power. Because of the discharge protection afforded by the BMS, the battery should always have enough reserve capacity left to start the engine.
The Odyssey engine makes use of a powerful 150-amp alternator that charges in a range between 12 and 14 volts. By controlling the alternator charge voltage range, BMS works to keep the battery in a specific charge range, which can extend the service life of the battery by more than 25 percent. With BMS keeping the battery in a specific charge range, the alternator can run more often in the low range, which generates less drag on the engine resulting in improved fuel efficiency. Application of numerous electrical power reducing items (such as the use of efficient LED lighting and a highly efficient FET-based electrical power delivery system) allows the BMS to operate the alternator even more frequently in the more efficient low charge mode.
Maintenance Minder™ System
To eliminate unnecessary service stops while ensuring that the vehicle is properly maintained, the Odyssey has a Maintenance Minder™ system that continually monitors the vehicle's operating condition. When maintenance is required, the driver is alerted via a message on the Multi-Information Display (MID).
The Maintenance Minder™ system monitors operating conditions such as oil and coolant temperature along with engine speed to determine the proper service intervals. Depending on operating conditions, oil change intervals can be extended to a maximum of 10,000 miles, potentially sparing the owner considerable expense and inconvenience over the life of the vehicle. The owner-resettable system monitors all normal service parts and systems, including oil and filter, tire rotation, air-cleaner, automatic transmission fluid, spark plugs, timing belt, coolant, brake pads and more. To reduce the potential for driver distraction, maintenance alerts are presented on the MID only when the ignition is first turned on, not while driving.
9-Speed Automatic Transmission
Odyssey LX, EX, EX-L and EX-L NR models are newly equipped with a 9-speed automatic transmission that is common with the transmission in Pilot Touring and Elite models. The 9-speed automatic is 61 lbs. lighter than the Odyssey's previous 6-speed automatic, with more closely spaced gear ratios and 25-percent faster gear shifts and the capacity for multi-gear downshifts that enhance performance. The 9-speed automatic transmission has a 63 percent wider overall gear ratio spread compared to the Odyssey's previous 6-speed automatic, further enhancing acceleration performance and efficiency.
10-Speed Automatic Transmission
Odyssey Touring and Elite models are equipped with an all-new, Honda-developed 10-speed automatic transmission, the first of its kind for front-wheel-drive vehicles. Engineered for high efficiency with low internal inertia and an exceptionally wide ratio range, the 10-speed automatic maximizes the Odyssey's performance and fuel efficiency.
The 10AT is designed to be lightweight and compact. It features four planetary gear sets that work together to provide an exceptionally wide gear ratio spread. Its overall ratio spread of 10.1 compares with 9.81 for the Odyssey 9-speed and the 6.03 spread on the previous generation Odyssey 6-speed, a 66 percent increase. The 10-speed also has substantially faster upshift and downshift performance than either the available 9-speed or the previous generation 6-speed transmission. For greater responsiveness, the 10-speed transmission is capable of 4-gear direct downshifts, for example from 10th gear to 6th, or from 7th to 3rd.
To maximize fuel efficiency and minimize interior noise, the transmission's 10th gear is exceptionally tall, resulting in 70 mph cruising at just 1560 rpm. By comparison, at the same road speed, the Honda Odyssey with the available 9-speed transmission cruises at 1735 rpm and the previous generation Odyssey with its 6-speed transmission cruised at 1960 rpm.
Shift-By-Wire Gear Selector
In the 2018 Odyssey, the conventional shift lever is replaced with a fully electronic, shift-by-wire gear selector. Park, Neutral, Drive and Sequential are selected with the push of a button. Reverse is selected by pulling back a dedicated switch. Indicator lights near the buttons indicate the mode selected. As an added safety feature, if the vehicle is brought to a stop in Drive or Reverse, the system will automatically select Park if the driver's seatbelt is unbuckled and the driver's door is opened. A steering wheel-mounted paddle shifter system lets the driver take manual control of transmission gear selection.
Paddle Shifters
For the first time, all Odyssey models feature a steering wheel-mounted paddle shifter system that lets the driver take manual control of transmission gear selection. Particularly useful in mountainous terrain or when towing, the paddles give the driver greater control over transmission operation. On long downgrades, the driver can command downshifts with the paddles that allow engine braking to be used to reduce the load on the brakes and help control the Odyssey's downhill speed.
Automatic Modes
Both Odyssey automatic transmissions can be operated in two different fully automatic modes: the D (or "Drive") mode is ideal for most driving situations, and combines fuel efficiency with smooth operation and responsive power when needed. The S ("Sequential") mode is for more demanding driving, and features more aggressive shift mapping to keep engine rpm higher for greater acceleration and pulling power.
When in the D mode (optimized for normal driving), the transmission incorporates an advanced Grade Logic Control System, Shift Hold Control and Cornering G Shift Control - all of which reduce unwanted shifting and gear hunting. The result is smart transmission operation that optimizes fuel efficiency and keeps the transmission in the appropriate gear for driving conditions, generating excellent performance and smooth operation.
While ascending or descending hills, Grade Logic Control alters the transmission's shift schedule to reduce shift frequency and improve speed control. The transmission ECU continually measures throttle position, vehicle speed and acceleration/deceleration to determine when the vehicle is on a hill. The shift schedule is then adjusted - during ascents to hold the transmission in lower gears to boost climbing power, and during descents to provide greater engine braking.
Shift Hold Control keeps the transmission in its current (lower) gear ratio during aggressive driving, as in the case of decelerating at a corner entry. Shift Hold Control leaves the chassis undisturbed by eliminating excess shifting and ensures that power will be immediately available (without a downshift) at the corner exit. Cornering G Shift Control monitors the speed of each rear wheel independently to determine when the Odyssey is turning. When the system detects a sufficient speed differential between the rear wheels, it will suppress any unwanted upshifts. This prevents the transmission from upshifting during a corner, which could upset the chassis balance thus requiring downshifting again at the corner exit when the throttle is applied.
Paddle Shifter Operation in Drive Mode
While in Drive mode, special transmission logic programming allows the use of the steering-wheel-mounted paddle shifters. When the driver operates the paddle shifters, the transmission responds to the driver's shift command and then returns to its normal fully automatic mode if further paddle shift inputs are not made within a few seconds depending upon driving conditions. This special logic makes it easy for the driver to command a quick downshift without leaving the convenience of Drive mode.
Paddle Shifter Operation in Sequential Mode
By selecting the "S" position with the shifter, Sequential mode is engaged. This mode offers automatic operation with more aggressive shift mapping. A pull on either of the paddle shifters places the transmission in fully manual mode until another mode of operation is selected with the shift-by-wire gear selector (e.g., switched to Drive mode). A digital display in the instrument cluster indicates which gear the transmission is in.
A double-kick-down feature lets the driver command a sporty double downshift - such as from fifth to third gear. By pulling on the left downshift paddle twice in rapid succession, the transmission will drop directly to the chosen lower gear ratio. The Drive-by-Wire throttle system also creates a "blip" of the throttle to help match gear speeds while downshifting.
To prevent harm to the powertrain when the transmission is paddle shifted by the driver (including during double-kick-down shifts), the system will inhibit potentially damaging shifts. As an added safety measure, the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) can also cut off fuel to the engine to prevent over-revving. If fuel cut-off is insufficient to prevent engine over-revving, as may be possible when the vehicle is on a steep downhill, the transmission will automatically upshift to prevent damage. On downshifts, the transmission will not execute a driver command that will over-rev the engine.
For improved stop-and-go performance and to help prevent "lugging" the engine, the Sequential SportShift transmission will automatically downshift to first gear even though the transmission has been left in a higher gear, (except in second gear) as the vehicle comes to a stop.
Cooperative Control
Both shift performance and smoothness are improved by cooperative control between the Drive-by-Wire throttle system and the electronically controlled, Sequential SportShift automatic transmission. The engine is throttled by the engine management system during upshifts and downshifts; thus, the function of the engine and transmission can be closely choreographed for faster, smoother shifting. As a result, the peak g-forces (or "shift shock") are reduced significantly during upshifts and downshifts.
Intelligent Traction Management System
The 2018 Honda Odyssey features a new push-button-operated Intelligent Traction Management System that offers two modes: Normal and Snow. Developed, tuned and tested at various locations in the U.S. the Intelligent Traction Management system allows the driver to select the operating mode that best suits the driving conditions by simply pushing a button on the vehicle's center console.
Operation in Snow Mode adjusts the drive-by wire map, transmission shift map and Vehicle Stability Assist™ to better maintain traction and control. With less aggressive throttle response and 2nd-gear starts, Snow Mode offers less wheel slip and a more linear feel when traction is limited.
System information and an animated selected mode icon is shown on the color Multi-Information Display (as shown in the second image on the following page). Based on the setting selected, the system adjusts the drive-by-wire map, transmission shift map and Vehicle Stability Assist™ for optimal performance in varying road or surface conditions.
Redesigned specifically for its intended role - to support and enhance a low-stress, quiet and confidence-inspiring family travel experience - the 2018 Odyssey chassis offers the model's best combination yet of handling response and maneuverability, sedan-quality ride comfort, stability and accident-avoidance skills. Consisting of 4-wheel independent suspension (MacPherson strut front and all-new compact trailing-arm rear) mounted on vibration-damping front and rear subframes and including the first-ever rear stabilizer bar for the model, the new Odyssey affords families with inspired handling and superb ride control, and a welcome absense of low- and mid-frequency booming noise. It is also equally adept at carrying up to eight occupants or a combination of passengers and cargo, and can tow trailers up to 3,500 lbs (1,588 kg).
Working in combination with the improved body structure, the suspension excels at both ride compliance and body motion control by minimizing roll during cornering, pitch during acceleration and braking, and heave on rolling surfaces. The Odyssey's new dual-pinion electric power-assisted rack-and-pinion steering (EPS) and 4-wheel disc brakes with electronic brake distribution further improve handling response and control.
Four-Wheel Independent Suspension
The Odyssey independent front and rear suspension systems are engineered to provide long wheel travel and excellent compliance for a smooth ride, together with the precise damping and spring rates needed for excellent handling and driving feel. Advancements for the 2018 model year include reduced vibration and improved ride comfort over road irregularities such as potholes, bridge joints and highway seams. Safe, easy and confidence inspiring, the new Odyssey's suspension makes every member of the family feel more comfortable while providing the driver with a greater degree of control and low-effort, low-stress performance.
Front Suspension
At the front is a strut-type system with forged-aluminum lower control arms, fluid-filled compliance bushings, coil springs and a 26 mm (LX, EX) or 26.5 mm (EX-L and above) stabilizer bar. This setup uses specially tuned spring rates, damping rates, stabilizer bar and bushings for a smooth, controlled ride with excellent cornering abilities. The upper front strut mounts provide a "triple path" load-bearing system that helps absorb road vibration and harshness.
Rear Suspension
A first for the 2018 Honda Odyssey is a new compact trailing-arm rear suspension design with a new stabilizer bar that provides excellent ride and handling, best-in-class body roll control, and reduced noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) transmission to the passenger cabin. The system utilizes forged aluminum upper control arms and adds a stabilizer bar (20 mm) for the first time in Odyssey.
Its compact design helps maximize interior and cargo volume while allowing for fitment of 19-inch wheels on top trims. Dampers and springs have been moved outboard for improved effectiveness, and rear suspension weight is reduced 7 lbs. compared to the outgoing model. The end result is a rear suspension system that is unphased by varying passenger and cargo loads, uneven surfaces including bumps, pavement heaves and hills. In addition, because the rear stabilizer bar helps control body roll, spring and damper settings can be optimized for maximum ride comfort combined with exceptional motion control.
Vibration-Damping Subframes
The engine, transmission, and front and rear suspension systems are mounted on rigid steel subframes. These subframes attach to the unit-body at rubber-isolated mounting points that help keep powertrain and road noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) out of the passenger cabin. The rear subframe's compact dimensions reduce weight, allows the fuel system's evaporative canister to be relocated behind the fuel tank, and allows fitment of the rear stabilizer bar.
Dual Pinion Electric Power-Assisted Rack-and-Pinion Steering (EPS)
New to the 2018 Odyssey in all trims, advanced Electric Power Steering (EPS) incorporates dual pinion gears that enhances low-speed maneuverability and high-speed stability. Compared to a traditional single-pinion steering system, the dual-pinion EPS utilizes the physical steering input from the driver as well as from a supplemental electric motor. A non-contact torque sensor measures the driver's steering effort and an ECU determines how much electric motor assist to add, with the result being seamless, natural-feeling steering in all situations, up to and including emergency maneuvers. A summary of benefits of the new Odyssey's dual-pinion EPS include:
Intuitive and easy to drive
High steering precision
Increased steering ratio results in quicker yaw rate gain at low and mid speeds, while maintaining high-speed stability
Superb stability on the highway
Confident maneuverability
Reduced driver workload
Predictable and responsive in emergencies
Four-Wheel Disc Braking System with Electronic Brake Distribution
The 2018 Honda Odyssey has 4-wheel disc brakes with a 4-channel anti-lock braking system for a powerful and linear brake feel and confident stops in a wide range of driving conditions including dry, wet and snowy roads. The ventilated front discs are 12.6 inches in diameter and use 2-piston calipers, while the solid rear discs are 13.0 inches in diameter and have single-piston calipers. The calipers utilize a spring-loaded mechanism to maintain separation between the brake pads and rotor to reduce brake drag when not in use, reducing running resistance for improved fuel efficiency.
For optimum performance with the widely varying loads one is likely to encounter in a minivan, Odyssey has Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) system technology. EBD monitors braking force and adjusts front-to-rear brake effort to achieve maximum braking performance and stability. At the rear, a select-low braking strategy is used to help maintain directional stability in slippery driving. In the event one rear wheel verges on lock-up, triggering a pressure modulation at that wheel, brake pressure is also diminished at the adjoining wheel to help preserve the rear axle's lateral stability.
ABS with Brake Assist
The anti-lock braking system (ABS) independently modulates braking power at each wheel to help the driver retain steering control during heavy braking. Brake Assist recognizes emergency braking situations and almost instantly applies full braking force when appropriate to help shorten braking distance.
Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) with Traction Control
Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) is an Electronic Stability Control system that works in conjunction with the Odyssey's Drive-by-Wire™ throttle and its 4-channel ABS systems to enhance control capability while the vehicle is accelerating, braking, cornering or when the driver makes a sudden maneuver. VSA also provides a limited-slip differential effect for the driving wheels by applying braking force to a slipping wheel, thereby redirecting driving force to the wheel with more traction. While the driver can reduce the traction control effectiveness allowing more wheel slip during stuck condition by pressing the VSA Off button, ABS remains fully operational at all times.
Agile Handling Assist
A first for Odyssey, Agile Handling Assist uses the vehicle's brakes selectively to improve initial turning response and overall cornering ability. Agile Handling Assist utilizes brake vectoring to improve corner traceability and confident handling feel. By applying braking force to the inside wheels during cornering at high lateral G, the system creates a "yaw moment," thus generating more turning force and reducing understeer.
Hill Start Assist
The Hill Start Assist function helps to prevent the vehicle from rolling backwards when the driver switches from the brake pedal to the accelerator pedal while the vehicle is stopped on a hill. Hill Start Assist automatically activates when the vehicle senses a certain incline and is fully stopped in any forward gear when facing uphill or reverse gear when facing downhill. The system uses a longitudinal G-sensor along with a wheel speed sensor to control the hydraulic brake modulator.
Electric Parking Brake with Brake Hold
Included in all Odyssey trims for 2018, the Electric Parking Brake (EPB) makes using the parking brake easier and more comfortable, promoting its use by drivers. The EPB also frees up floor space on the driver's side by eliminating the customary parking brake pedal, resulting in a more comfortable and luxurious driving experience.
Actuating the parking brake is now as simple as pushing a switch on the instrument panel. To release the parking brake, the driver simply puts the car in gear and presses on the accelerator pedal, or pulls on the EPB switch to the left of the steering wheel. As with a traditional manually activated parking brake, EPB functions on the rear wheels only.
The EPB also features Automatic Brake Hold, which retains brake pressure when the vehicle is stopped, simplifying driving in heavy traffic or hills. This frees the driver from continually pressing the brake pedal to maintain the vehicle in a stopped position, a significant improvement in driving enjoyment in difficult conditions.
Operating the system requires two simple actions from the driver:
Activating/deactivating the system via a switch to the left of the steering wheel
Pressing on the brake pedal when the vehicle comes to a stop
Once these steps are taken, Automatic Brake Hold will indicate engagement and then maintain brake pressure when the vehicle has come to a stop, even if the driver releases the brake pedal. The Honda Odyssey then remains stopped - even on a hill - until the driver presses the accelerator pedal. At this point Automatic Brake Hold releases the brakes and the vehicle resumes normal braking function.
For the first time, all Odyssey trims have aluminum alloy wheels. The 2018 Odyssey LX, EX, EX-L and Touring trims come with 18 x 7.5-inch alloy wheels, an inch larger in diameter and a half-inch wider than the previous model's 17-inch wheels. The Elite is fitted with 19 x 7.5-inch alloy wheels, the largest ever offered on the Odyssey. Four unique wheel designs are applied to the different trim levels, with Genuine Honda Accessories 19-inch chrome wheels also available.
All Odyssey trims come standard with tires exclusively designed to help the Odyssey provide the best ride, handling and NVH performance in all weather conditions with low rolling resistance. The Odyssey LX, EX, EX-L and Touring models have 235/60R18 Bridgestone Turanza all-season tires while the Elite has 235/55R19 Bridgestone Turanza all-season tires.
Tire pressures are monitored using a direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) that reports tire pressure at each location and offers fill-assist technology.
All 2018 Odyssey models include a T135/80D17temporary spare tire on a 17 x 4.0-inch steel wheel that is stored inside the cabin, under the floor between the front and second row seats.
Tire Fill Assist
New for the 2018 Honda Odyssey, Tire Fill Assist works with TPMS to help the driver achieve the correct tire pressures quickly and easily. It does so by providing an audible chirp and flashing the parking lights when the correct air pressure is reached for any tire being filled.
When equipped with a Honda dealer-installed accessory towing package, the 2018 Odyssey LX, EX and EXL with 9-speed automatic transmission is SAE tow rated at 3000 lbs. (1,361 kg), while the Odyssey Touring and Elite with 10-speed automatic transmission are SAE tow rated at 3,500 lbs. (1,588 kg). The Honda accessory towing package includes a Class II hitch and wiring connector. When not being used for towing, the accessory hitch can double as an attachment point for a genuine Honda accessory bicycle rack.
The paddle shifters on all models give the driver precise control over gear selection on roads with grade changes, allowing the driver to maintain a chosen gear on upgrades and use engine braking on downgrades. A high-capacity engine radiator with dual high-power fans, large 12.6-inch (320 mm) front and 13.0-inch (330 mm) rear disc brakes with improved cooling airflow, and the new compact trailing arm rear suspension with stabilizer bar further enhance towing performance.
Fuel Tank
The 19.5-gallon (73.8-liter) fuel tank is molded of high-density polyethylene for low weight, freedom from corrosion and for impact resistance. The tank is positioned ahead of the rear wheels to help guard against collision damage. The shape of the tank is designed to diminish the likelihood of sloshing-fuel noise. A high-efficiency low-pressure fuel pump is housed inside the fuel tank, and the fuel filter is a lifetime design that never needs replacement.
The Honda Odyssey is well known and highly regarded for its packaging efficiency, versatility, functionality and comfort. The fifth-generation 2018 Odyssey builds on that legacy with innovative design and engineering that elevates interior usability and style, while extending the paradigm of smart, connected technology.
As you would expect, the Odyssey's spacious interior can comfortably accommodate up to eight passengers, and offers versatile seating flexibility that lets owners quickly reconfigure the interior to suit just about any mission. Ingenious new available Magic Slide™ second-row seats each adjust laterally to any of five different positions - in addition to sliding fore and aft - so finding the perfect layout for kids and car seats is quick and easy. Third-row seating access has been improved as well.
Technology has advanced radically in the new Odyssey, with smart new instrument displays and an available all-new, faster, more powerful and intuitive Display Audio system that puts a wide range of apps and features at your fingertips. An all-new available Rear Entertainment System (RES) can play Blu-ray™ discs and streaming content via new in-vehicle 4G LTE or via the user's own smartphone and data plan (operating as a hotspot).
Additional innovative and family-friendly available technologies include the HondaVac® (which is now standard in both Touring and Elite trims) and new CabinTalk™ in-vehicle public address system, CabinWatch™ day-or-night camera system, and new smartphone-based CabinControl™ app with Social Playlist. These new features and technologies combine to make the new Odyssey more connected and capable at satisfying every family member's information and entertainment needs than ever before.
Interior Package
The new Odyssey interior takes Honda's family-friendly minivan to a new level with a spacious premium look featuring lean, strong and substantial styling touches, and high-quality, soft-touch materials applied liberally throughout. The Odyssey offers greater amenities than ever before, with best-in-class intuitive technology and sedan-like comfort and quality.
The instrument panel is highlighted by a striking new high-contrast Thin Film Transistor (TFT) instrument display in all grades, and a large 8-inch Display Audio touchscreen (EX grade and above). Fit, finish and materials have received close attention, and soft leather seating is standard on EX-L and higher trims, with perforated leather front seating in the Odyssey Elite. Piano black interior accents and LED accent lighting further distinguish the Elite.
Interior Packaging Concept
The Odyssey interior packaging aims to provide a generous space for both people and cargo with three rows of adult-sized seating comfort. For 2018, seating dimensions and passenger volume are largely unchanged, and the Odyssey maintains its best-in-class low step-in height. Length of the cargo space behind the third row of seating has increased by 50 mm, for greater loading versatility. The second and third row ceiling's air conditioning outlet ductwork has been repositioned under the floor through the door pillars to conveniently located outlets. The new layout creates a passenger cabin with a more open, airy feel.
Note regarding interior volumes: During development of the 2018 Odyssey, Honda adopted revised methodology for measuring interior volume that is more consistent with the customer experience. Although the specification tables indicate significant differences between the previous model and the 2018 in some areas-in particular an apparent loss of 10 cu. ft. total passenger volume-the vehicles are in fact much closer (within about 4 cu. ft.) when the revised measurement method is used for both vehicles.
Interior Colors
The Odyssey's interior palette is sophisticated and coordinated and is offered in Mocha, Gray or Beige colors - fabric in the LX and EX, leather in the EX-L, EX-L NR and Touring, and perforated leather (first row only) in the Elite.
Front-Row Seating
The two front bucket-style captain's chairs are designed to offer supportive comfort combined with secure lateral support during cornering. Rounded seatback shoulders help provide a feeling of cabin spaciousness. The seats use padding tuned for ride comfort and isolation from road vibration and feature in-board fold-down armrests. Odyssey LX and EX models feature soft spill-resistant fabric upholstery. EX-L models and above have anti-soil leather seating surfaces. In the Elite model with ventilated front seats, the front leather seating surfaces are perforated. Non-perforated second- and third-row seating surfaces were selected for easier cleaning and reduced tendency to trap dirt and crumbs.
The Honda Odyssey LX driver's seat provides supportive 8-way power assist. The passenger seat on all Odyssey models now offers 4-way power adjustment. Odyssey EX and above driver's seat adds a 4-way power adjustable lumbar support along with seat heaters with low, medium and high settings. Odyssey EX-L and above trims add leather seating surfaces, and a 2-position memory feature for the driver's seat settings and side mirrors that can be stored in a pair of user profiles - one for each of the two key fobs that come standard with the Odyssey.
Second-Row Seating
Honda engineers designed the new Odyssey to be easy-to-use in people's everyday lives and in the ways that people use minivans on a daily basis, in particular the use of child seats. Experience in designing and developing previous generations of Odyssey and extensive study of how customers use their minivans guided every aspect of the new Odyssey design, none more so than the available new Magic Slide™ second-row seating system.
All EX trim and higher 2018 Odysseys feature the new Magic Slide™ second-row seating with two full-size captain's chairs, each with a pair of padded fold-down armrests. The seats slide fore and aft and recline, and feature integrated seatbelts. If the Odyssey needs to be converted for maximum cargo capacity, the captain's chairs are removable without tools.
Honda Odyssey EX and above models are also equipped with a comfortable and versatile removable center seat, which allows the Odyssey room to accommodate seven or eight passengers. The center seatback can fold down to create a large center armrest with three beverage holders and a tray, or it can be removed entirely to allow for maximum flexibility in the positioning of the outboard seats.
The key to the Magic Slide™ second row seats is the ability of each outboard seat to adjust laterally to any of five positions positioned at intervals of 3.2 inches (82 mm), with a total lateral travel of 12.9 inches (328 mm). This means that when the center second-row seat is removed, the captain's chairs can be quickly positioned to suit the needs of the passengers. The slide release mechanism is a large, easy to use handle located low on the outboard side of the seat base.
Use modes include:
Easy Access mode - with the center seat removed, the outboard seats slide laterally through five selectable positions, allowing for easy access to the third row even with one or two rear-facing child seats installed in the second row. And with the center-most seat slid forward, a child is put within easy reach of the front seat occupants.
Super mode - like Easy Access mode but with the driver's side seat set to walk-in position (slid full forward with the seatback tilted) for maximum access to the third row.
Wide mode - with the center seat removed and two outboard seats in their outer most positions, providing a wide center walkthrough to the third row (and no more "Dad, he's touching me again!").
Buddy mode - with the center seat removed and two outboard seats abutting one another in the center of the vehicle, putting two people in close proximity and within easier reach of the front seat occupants.+
Third-Row Seating
With its complete redesign, the Odyssey now has best-in-class visibility for third row passengers, with the largest visible area forward of the third-row occupant's eye point. The window's bottom edge relative to the eye point is also the lowest in the class. Both factors contribute to a comparatively open feel in the Odyssey's third row of seating. The third row seating is roomy and accommodating, with reclining seatbacks and adjustable headrests for greater comfort.
The Honda third row Magic Seat® set the standard for third-row functionality in the minivan world. Honda introduced the concept of third-row fold-down seating to the industry with the 1995 Odyssey and has improved upon it ever since. The third row features a 60/40 split and offers top levels of convenience for operation thanks to its one-motion operation that makes access to the cargo area simple and fast.
The 60/40 Split 3rd-Row Magic Seat can be folded down into the large recess in the cargo floor by pulling a single strap on each side, creating a flat-floor cargo area. The system is spring-loaded and the headrests can remain in the seats. The hinges for the seat are designed to lie flat, making it easier to stack items like plywood panels.
Multi-Function Center Console
The Honda Odyssey interior offers a range of convenient storage features for the driver and passengers and is engineered to offer tremendous versatility and utility. On top, the Odyssey's new center console has a smartphone tray and four cupholders. On the Elite trim, the tray includes a wireless charger pad that can keep compatible devices charged without the need for messy cables. Two available 2.5A USB charge ports and an HDMI connection are located on the back of the console for second row passenger use.
The console's main storage compartment is topped by a new groove-less sliding tambour door that mostly disappears from view when opened, instead of getting in the way as a hinged lid might. When closed, it creates a large, rigid and flat surface upon which items, like a purse, can be placed. A roomy tray directly in front of the console can also accommodate a purse. Inside is a sliding smartphone tray, along with USB and auxiliary jacks. Eliminating the grooves normally found in a typical tambour door minimizes the accumulation of dirt and crumbs on the surface and eases cleaning.
On EX-L N/R and above trims, a sliding media drawer at the bottom of the console opens toward the front, revealing substantial room for DVDs and other items.
Side Doors
To improve access to the second and third rows of seating, the dual side sliding doors open farther than ever before. In EX models and above, the side doors are power operated.
New software logic makes the operation of the power doors more intuitive. If a door is given multiple commands to open in a short time (for example to driver pushing the "Open" button on the instrument panel within 0.5 second of someone pulling on the outer door handle), the door will open. In the previous generation Odyssey, the door would stop operation and an alert beep would sound in the same situation.
Cargo Versatility
For 2018, the Honda Odyssey's rear tailgate opening has more "squared off" corners, making it easier to maneuver bulky cargo into the opening than with the more rounded corners of the previous generation Odyssey. The One-Motion 60/40 Split 3rd-Row Magic Seat® allows the Odyssey to quickly and easily adapt between passenger and cargo duties.
The 3rd-Row Magic Seat can accommodate up to three passengers and still provide 38.6 cubic-feet of cargo volume behind the seats, or fold completely flat into the floor to create 91.0 cubic-feet of cargo volume while still maintaining room for five passengers (four passengers on LX). With the second-row seats removed, total cargo volume expands to 155.8 cubic-feet. The cargo floor can accommodate two ¾-inch thick 4 ft. by 8 ft. sheets of plywood with the rear tailgate closed, or additional sheets with the tailgate left ajar.
Control Layout
All important systems and controls in the Odyssey are positioned within easy reach of the driver. Controls for the systems used most frequently - audio, cruise control, Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®, available navigation system with voice recognition and Multi-Information Display - are conveniently positioned on the steering wheel. A physical volume knob is just to the right of the steering wheel, adjacent to the center display. The main instrumentation is an easy-to-read, high-contrast, 7-inch TFT display. Typical of Honda interior design, the soft-touch switchgear of the Odyssey is engineered to deliver a high-quality feel and positive action.
Steering Wheel
The Odyssey's new steering wheel design, leather-wrapped on EX-L and above trims, incorporates the most commonly used controls, allowing the driver to keep their hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road. In all trims, the steering wheel offers manual tilt and telescopic adjustment. A new generation of Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®, audio system and Multi-Information Display (MID) controls are located on the left side of the steering wheel. The addition of dedicated new "Home" and "Back" buttons simplifies the navigation of various menus and functions. Cruise control switches are on the right side, and trims with Honda Sensing® have LKAS and ACC controls located on the right side of the steering wheel as well. Within fingertip reach are a pair of paddle shifters that allow for manual operation of the 9-speed (LX, EX, EX-L and EX-L NR) or 10-speed transmission (Touring and Elite). A heated steering wheel is standard in the Odyssey Elite.
Transmission Controls
For the first time, in all 2018 Odyssey models, the conventional console-mounted shift lever is replaced with a fully electronic, shift-by-wire gear selector. Park, Neutral, Drive and Sequential are selected with the push of a button.
All Odysseys benefit from all new instrumentation comprised of a colorful 7-inch Thin Film Transistor (TFT) display that offers an expanded range of informational content. In addition to normal vehicle functions, the TFT instrumentation has customizable features and can display phone and audio information, turn-by-turn route guidance (when equipped with navigation) a compass (also with navigation) and much more.
The gauge package progressively illuminates to give the driver a welcoming feel upon entry. When the door is first opened, the instrument lighting illuminates and then brightens progressively to 100-percent illumination when the ignition is switched on. The illuminated instrument panel then comes alive, indicating that the car is ready to go. At the end of the drive, the instrument lighting dims progressively.
Multi-Information Display (MID)
The Odyssey instrument panel provides important vehicle information and infotainment system content via an integrated Multi-Information Display (MID) positioned centrally in the instrument display. Controls positioned on the steering wheel allow the driver to cycle the MID display through multiple screens of information from sources including trip computer, phone, audio, maintenance and more. The Maintenance Minder™ system alerts the Odyssey driver of upcoming maintenance needs via the MID and should a fault occur with the vehicle, specific warning information will appear. The display indicates when to change the oil, air cleaner, transmission fluid, spark plugs or coolant, as well as when to rotate the tires.
Comfort and Convenience
The Honda Odyssey has long been known for its comfortable cabin environment, and for the all-new fifth generation, it includes more thoughtful innovative comfort and convenience features than ever before. Three new available technologies integrated into the Odyssey's available all-new, more user-friendly Display Audio touchscreen help make family travel less stressful and more fun. CabinWatch™ provides an on-screen daytime or nighttime view of the second and third row of seats, while CabinTalk™ lets the driver speak to the second and third row passengers through the available RES system headphones, or in Elite trims, through the rear audio speakers. To help pass the miles, the new CabinControl app allows passengers to control various features including the front audio system, Rear Entertainment System (if equipped), the rear climate control system, or send addresses to the navigation system (if equipped). Individual phones can even share audio files with the Odyssey audio system to create an on-the-fly Social Playlist that everyone can enjoy.
Smart Entry and Push Button Start/Stop
The 2018 Odyssey offers the upscale convenience of Smart Entry and Push Button Start/Stop.
Smart Entry
Included on the EX and above trims, the Smart Entry system simplifies approaching, entering and operating the Odyssey - especially when the driver has his or her hands full. To gain entry to vehicle, the driver simply pulls one of the two front door handles while the remote is in his or her possession. The LX trim Odyssey retains the previous remote entry system.
Push Button Start/Stop
On all trims, once the driver has opened the door and is seated, the driver simply pushes the START/STOP button positioned on the instrument panel while pressing the brake pedal to start the vehicle. Powertrain operation and certain electrical functions are ended when the START/STOP button is pressed again at the conclusion of the drive. For accessory mode the driver simply presses the START/STOP button without pressing the brake pedal. The new Odyssey's START/STOP button features a pulsating light to help the driver more easily locate the button.
Remote Engine Start
All Odyssey models with the exception of the LX trim feature standard remote engine start. This enables drivers to start their Honda Odyssey in advance of the drive, thereby activating the climate control system with a target temperature of 72 degrees before they get to the vehicle - perfect for hot or cold days. The system can provide owners with the comfort of a pre-warmed vehicle with defogged windows on a cold winter morning, or a pre-cooled interior on hot days. The system will automatically operate the heater, front and rear defrosters, front heated seats (if equipped), heated steering wheel (if equipped), heated side mirror, air conditioning, and front seat ventilation (if equipped) as needed.
The remote engine start feature is built into the key fobs supplied with the vehicle, and is designed to have a range of operation of approximately 100 ft. To start the engine remotely, the owner presses the LOCK button and then holds the ENGINE button for a second. The Odyssey's hazard lights will flash, indicating that the signal has been received. When the engine is started remotely, the wipers, lighting and audio systems remain off, and the security system remains set. The engine will run for up to 10 minutes after remote starting and can be extended by another 10 minutes using the same procedure, and then shut off automatically if the owner doesn't reach the vehicle within that time. When the owner does get to the Odyssey within 10 minutes, or extended period if the procedure is initiated a second time, the engine will keep running while the owner unlocks the vehicle, gets in, applies the brake and presses the Odyssey's START button, which turns on all of the vehicle's systems.
Walk Away Door Lock
Included on EX and above trims, the new Walk Away Door Lock feature automatically locks the Odyssey when the driver leaves the vehicle. This hands-free locking capability adds everyday convenience that's especially useful when the driver has his or her hands full or is distracted. In typical use, when all doors are closed and the driver walks away, the Odyssey will automatically lock when the key holder's distance from the vehicle exceeds 8.2 feet for two seconds or more and when no other key is detected inside the vehicle. An audible buzzer sounds and the hazard lights flash to confirm that the vehicle has locked. The Walk Away Door Lock feature is programmable, and may be turned on or off as the driver prefers.
Power Windows, Locks and Mirrors
Power windows are standard equipment on all Odyssey models and include auto-up and -down operation on the driver's and front passenger's windows (all trims), and both second-row door windows (EX and above). Power door locks and power mirrors are standard equipment on all Odyssey models. EX and above models include heated exterior mirrors. Smart entry is standard on Odyssey EX and above trims.
One-Touch Power Moonroof with Tilt Feature
The Odyssey EX-L, EX-L NR, Touring and Elite trims feature a power tilting and sliding moonroof with a manual sunshade. To tilt or slide the moonroof, the driver or front passenger needs only to fully press the ceiling-mounted switch once (instead of pressing and holding it for several seconds). The moonroof fully opens or closes automatically. However, if the operator wishes to only partially open or close the moonroof (such as to achieve partial ventilation), a lighter touch yields fully manual control. The moonroof can also tilt to provide ventilation. An auto-reverse feature is built in, helping to mitigate the possibility of a pinched finger or limb. If the moonroof motor's ECU detects a threshold level of mechanical resistance, indicating a possible obstruction, the motor will automatically reverse and reopen the moonroof.
Sliding Sun Shades
For increased rear-seat privacy, reduced solar loading and glare, Odyssey EX and above models have standard manually operated sunshades for each second-row door side window. Touring and Elite models also have sunshades in the third row.
Auto-Dimming Rearview Mirror
Odyssey EX-L and above trims feature an electro chromatic interior rearview mirror that automatically dims during nighttime driving to reduce glare from the headlights of following vehicles.
New HVAC Architecture
For the 2018 Odyssey, the architecture of the climate control system has been completely redesigned. In the previous generation Odyssey, there was a front Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit in the instrument panel, and a separate HVAC unit in right rear sidewall of the cargo area, with cool air ducting in the ceiling that ran forward to the third and second rows. In the new system, there's a single high capacity HVAC unit up front that supports all interior zones. For the second and third rows, heating ducts and outlets are in the floor; air conditioning ducts run through the floor and up the body side pillars to adjustable vents. The key benefits of the new design are reduced weight, improved head clearance and improved cargo area storage.
A dual-zone (front/rear) system is standard on LX, while EX and above trims feature a tri-zone system. Both systems are fully automatic, featuring hard-key type switches in the center of the instrument panel for ease of operation and automatic humidity control to help prevent window fogging.
The systems also feature air filtration as standard equipment. The air-filtration system is capable of filtering nearly 100 percent of particulates over eight microns in size (the size of most pollen), as well as about 40 percent of the particulates down to 0.3 microns.
Automatic Tri-Zone Climate Control System
A new generation of tri-zone automatic climate control is standard for Honda Odyssey EX and above trims. The tri-zone system lets the driver, front passenger and rear passengers adjust temperature and air distribution to meet their needs automatically. Both front and rear zones are controllable by the driver, or front passenger. With the press of a button, the rear zone can be independently adjusted using the control panel in the second row, or it can be adjusted using the CabinControl app on a compatible smart phone.
On EX and above, the system uses data from the onboard global positioning system receiver to automatically adjust fan speed to compensate for heating from direct sunlight. For greater efficiency, the system will partially recirculate some cabin air to reduce cooling in relation to the outside temperature.
Included on EX-L NR, Touring and Elite trims, CabinTalk uses the HandsFreeLink microphone in the front row to broadcast audio (speak) to the second and third row. CabinTalk is activated using the Display Audio touchscreen, which allows the driver and front passenger to send audio to the audio system speakers (Elite trim), the rear headphones or both. When the CabinTalk app is in use, BluRay video appearing on the Rear Entertainment System is automatically paused and audio is muted (non BluRay content can be muted only). Audio and video automatically resumes when the app is closed.
Included on Touring and Elite trims, CabinWatch provides a view of the second and third rows of seating on the Display Audio touchscreen, where the app is controlled. With simple smartphone gestures on the Display Audio touchscreen, the driver can easily zoom in and out on the display for a better view.
The ceiling-mounted camera is positioned to provide a clear view of any forward-facing or rearward-facing child seats in the second row. The camera works in normal ambient light conditions in daytime. At night, Infrared (IR) Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) provide invisible illumination for the camera system without disturbing the second and third row passengers.
CabinControl App
An all-new feature standard on Honda Odyssey EX and above trims is the CabinControl app. The downloadable app (iPhone and Android phones only) allows passengers to use their smartphones to control a range of features in the Odyssey. Each phone must have the Honda CabinControl app installed and open, and then each phone is paired with the Odyssey. Up to seven phones can be connected at once, but a given feature can't be operated by more than one phone simultaneously. Phones can control all the basic functions of the front audio system with the exception of volume, control the Rear Entertainment System (if equipped), and the rear climate control system. Any connected phone can also look up an address or point of interest, and then send it to the Odyssey's navigation system (if equipped) where the driver can accept it or reject it.
The Social Playlist feature is unique in that all seven connected phones can use it simultaneously. Social Playlist lets passengers share songs (must be DRM free) on their device to a playlist that appears on the Odyssey's Display Audio touch screen where the driver can view and control it.+
HondaLink and HondaLink App
The Honda Odyssey Touring and Elite offer HondaLink, Honda's cloud-based connected car system. HondaLink works with the owner's compatible smartphone and data package to connect with the Odyssey's embedded telematics system. The features of HondaLink work anytime the phone and the vehicle both have a data connection.
This subscription-based system allows Odyssey owners to access a range of features and functionality:
Remote engine start with status
Remote door lock/unlock with status
Automated crash notification with location
Concierge Call
Remote "Find My Car"
Remote stolen vehicle tracking
Remote fuel and range status
Remote Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) status
HondaLink Assist
An additional new feature on Odyssey EX and above is HondaLink Assist, which can help request emergency assistance for drivers. If a compatible phone is paired through Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®, there is a cellular connection and an airbag deployment sensor is triggered, the system is designed to automatically attempt to notify an operator, report the car's current location, and allow occupants to talk directly to the operator. The operator can then contact emergency services if needed.
HomeLink® Remote System
Odyssey EX-L and higher trims feature a HomeLink® universal remote system, located on the interior rear view mirror, which can be programmed with the codes of up to three devices, such as a garage-door opener or home security system.
Driver Preferences
Odyssey EX-L and above trims come with two keyless remotes with unique identifiers. Each remote can be set with unique profiles to accommodate the individual preferences of two different drivers. The available preferences include driver seat and mirror positions, along with select HVAC functions. Other preferences include turning entry lights on or off, door lock and unlock modes and more. In the event both owners use the car at the same time, the Odyssey will recognize the keyless remote that approaches the driver's door first.
Capless Fueling System
The Odyssey's capless fueling eliminates the fuel cap, meaning that fueling the vehicle simply requires opening the fuel lid, refueling, and then closing the lid. This smart and easy-to-use design eliminates the need to touch a dirty fuel cap, reduces the possibility of damaging the vehicle's paint with the fuel cap or tether, or forgetting the fuel cap at the gas station.
Standard on the 2018 Honda Odyssey Touring and Elite, the HondaVAC™ was developed in conjunction with industry-leader Shop-Vac®, and is composed of a powerful vacuum, replaceable filter and canister bag, with nozzle accessories neatly integrated into a dedicated space on the driver's side bulkhead of the rear cargo area. HondaVAC makes quick cleanups a snap no matter the location, offering powerful cleaning suction and an integrated hose and cleaning attachments that reach into every corner of the Odyssey's cabin. The HondaVAC system's powerful electric motor never needs an outlet or recharging, can operate continuously when the engine is running, and will continue to operate for up to eight minutes when the vehicle is turned off.
Audio and Connectivity
Honda's most advanced family-friendly entertainment and connectivity technology is engineered into the new Odyssey. Available features include an all-new 8-inch capacitive touchscreen Display Audio connectivity interface with a new, Honda-developed, Android-based operating system, new customizable app tiles and shortcuts and more powerful voice recognition engine. Integrated with Display Audio, the new Odyssey features both Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay™ compatibility for the first time.
Odyssey is also the first Honda model to feature Over-The-Air System Updates for its Display Audio and Rear Entertainment Systems. Software updates issued by Honda can be downloaded by the customer using any Wi-Fi connection - at home, on the road or at their Honda dealer. Updates can also be downloaded via USB in the vehicle, or through the available built-in 4G LTE cellular connection.
The Odyssey's Display Audio system also enables simplified smartphone connectivity and offers available 4G LTE Wi-Fi connectivity. A new 10.2-inch, ceiling-mounted Rear Entertainment System with DVD, CD and Blu-ray™ disc capability is also available. New for 2018, the system can play content that is streamed from the available in-vehicle 4G LTE capability or using the customer's smartphone and data plan (as a hotspot). And for maximum family connectivity the Odyssey sports an array of ports and plugs for a wide range of electronic devices, including up to three USB ports, all with 2.5-amp charging capacity.
Odyssey EX-L N/R and higher trims also feature a new embedded, Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ developed in cooperation with Garmin® featuring more detailed three-dimensional mapping, turn-by-turn directions that appear in the main instrument display and detailed traffic information.
Odyssey LX Audio
The Odyssey LX has a standard 150-watt AM/FM radio audio system with seven speakers including a subwoofer and a USB port6 to allow the connection of other compatible devices. The audio system has a 5-inch (diagonal) display screen and conventional knobs and buttons to control the various functions.
8-Inch Display Audio Touchscreen
The all-new Display Audio system standard in the 2018 Odyssey EX, EX-L, EX-L NR, Touring and Elite is the most advanced system ever offered by Honda. The 8-inch touchscreen lets you swipe, tap and pinch - just like on a tablet or smartphone - to control the vehicle's audio system, display settings and other advanced features. The intuitive and easy-to-use system has a simplified menu structure, customizable shortcuts for commonly used features and customizable app locations. On the EX, EX-L, EX-L NR and Touring trims, the 150-watt audio system has seven speakers including a subwoofer. The Elite trim gets an 550-watt system with 11 speakers including a subwoofer.
The Honda Odyssey's Display Audio system offers greater capability than any previous Honda system, with AM/FM, HD Radio, SiriusXM, Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and HondaLink content among the many available content channels. Odyssey trims with the Rear Entertainment System (RES) can play CDs in the same drive that plays DVDs and Blu Ray media as well.
The EX-L NR, Touring and Elite include Display Audio with a fully integrated and fully featured Garmin-developed Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System™ with continuously updated traffic information.
With the Display Audio's new operating system, icons resembling smartphone apps are displayed on the high-definition, capacitive touchscreen, making the interface intuitive and easy to use.
Much like a smartphone, apps can be moved and rearranged on each page, or hidden on the touchscreen. You can also restore a hidden app to the Home screen by accessing the "all apps" list and checking a box. A trio of onscreen shortcut buttons are customizable, so you can decide what three features you want to have constant access to.
Utilizing a new Honda-developed operating system built upon Android, the Odyssey's Display Audio is also easily updatable and upgradeable. An update can be downloaded to a USB stick, via Wi-Fi from any available network, or for those opting for the Odyssey's data plan, directly to the head unit via available 4G LTE if the Odyssey has an active data plan.
Multi-Zone Audio
Odyssey Elite features Multi-Zone Audio, which allows the driver to quickly and easily alter the listening environment in the vehicle. By using the Display Audio touchscreen, the driver can select among four zones: Driver Only, Front Only, Rear Only and Full Vehicle. Multi-Zone Audio eliminates the need to manually adjust Balance and Fader controls in an effort to achieve similar results. "Front Only" mode is automatically chosen when the Rear Entertainment System is on.
4G LTE Wi-Fi
Odyssey Touring and Elite models feature an embedded Telematics Control Unit (TCU) that provides an AT&T 4G LTE connection inside the vehicle. The system includes a 90-day/3GB (whichever comes first) free trial, followed by a customer-paid subscription plan. With a better antenna than in typical smartphones, the system often offers superior reception. The Wi-Fi network can support up to seven devices, and enables "Smart TV" style streaming of select video content to the Rear Entertainment System (RES), in addition to streaming from compatible Android devices to the RES. Users can also choose to utilize their compatible smartphone and data plan as a Wi-Fi hotspot to stream content.
Apple CarPlay
Honda Odyssey EX models and above offer standard Apple CarPlay compatibility. By connecting the iPhone to the car using the phone's USB cable (supplied with the phone) and the Odyssey's USB data port, CarPlay features can be accessed.
CarPlay takes the most popular functions and features of the user's compatible iPhone and puts them on the Odyssey's Display Audio touchscreen display. You can get directions, send and receive messages, listen to audio books and music, all in a way that allows you to stay more focused on the road. CarPlay features Siri voice control and is specially designed for typical driving scenarios. It also works with the Odyssey's controls - both on the audio touchscreen and the steering-wheel mounted controls, so you don't need to pick up your phone.
CarPlay includes access to Apple Maps, which can provide turn-by-turn directions, traffic conditions, and estimated travel time. CarPlay can also predict where you most likely want to go using addresses from your email, text messages, contacts, and calendars.
CarPlay is compatible with iPhones that feature the small Lighting connector, not older iPhones with the larger 30-pin connector.
Android Auto
Odyssey EX models and above offer standard Android Auto compatibility. By connecting a compatible Android phone to the car using the phone's USB cable (supplied with the phone) and the Honda Odyssey's USB data port, the Android Auto platform is enabled.
Android Auto puts some of your phone's most useful Apps on the Odyssey's audio display. You can get directions, send and receive messages, listen to audio books and music, all without the need to pick up your phone. Android Auto works with the Odyssey's controls - both on the audio touchscreen and the steering wheel-mounted controls - so it's simple and intuitive to use.
Android Auto's voice control is specially designed for typical driving scenarios. A curated selection of available Android Auto apps is designed for use in the Odyssey, and are designed to help minimize the potential for driver distraction.
Android includes access to Google Maps, which can provide turn-by-turn directions, live traffic conditions, lane guidance and more.
Android Auto is designed to work with Android phones running 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.
SiriusXM® Radio
A new generation 2.0 version of SiriusXM® Radio is a standard feature in the EX and above trims, and it provides more than 165 channels of digital programming with near CD-quality sound. The SiriusXM® signal is beamed from two broadcast satellites positioned in geostationary orbit above Earth. The beams from these two broadcast satellites combine to span the entire continental United States and some of Canada.
SiriusXM® Radio programming includes channels devoted to music, sports, talk, traffic, weather, children's programming and entertainment. When the audio system plays SiriusXM® Radio, the audio system displays the current category, station, song title or artist's name.
This latest generation of SiriusXM includes many all-new features, including pause, fast forward and rewind. There is also an Instant Replay feature which allows listeners rewind the song they are currently listening to, or rewind a song/program on any of the presets. A new Sports Flash feature lets you listen to your favorite programming, and if your favorite team makes a big play in a live game that is being broadcast on SiriusXM, you will receive an on-screen alert. With a touch of a soft-key you can hear up to 30 seconds of audio before and including the big play.
The Display Audio system with next generation HondaLink allows the customer's digital lifestyle to seamlessly integrate with the car and provides access to a world of cloud-based information. The all-new application-based platform connects customers to online content both inside and outside the car. The connection between the system and the user's smartphone is made through the Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® wireless interface. A HondaLink phone app provides convenient access for many services including location searches, local weather, messaging, Maintenance Minder alerts, service scheduling by phone, and access to the vehicle Owners Guide.
Siri Eyes Free
Adding another new premium feature, Odyssey EX and above integrate Apple's Siri Eyes Free mode. Compatible iPhone® users will be able to operate Siri through familiar voice commands by pressing and holding the TALK button on the steering wheel when their iPhone is paired via Bluetooth®. Using Eyes Free mode, Siri takes hands-free functionality even further and helps to minimize the potential for distraction by keeping the iOS device's screen from lighting up.
Owners can direct Siri to perform a number of specific tasks while they keep their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel. Capabilities include:
Send text messages and e-mails
Read incoming text messages and emails
Set up calendar entries, reminders, and alarms
Check the weather
Turn-by-turn voice navigation (when the audio system is set to Bluetooth® Audio or iPod mode)
Sports scores and stock quotes
SMS Text Messaging
The Odyssey EX and above trims have a standard SMS text message function that can read incoming texts aloud over the audio system, and allow the driver to reply with any of six factory-preset messages. The system works with SMS-capable cell phones utilizing Blackberry or Android operating systems that have an active data plan and the Message Access Profile (MAP) and others. Apple iPhone models do not support this feature, but Siri Eyes Free Mode (iPhone 5, 6 and 7 at time of launch) offers the ability to initiate, hear and respond to text messages via voice commands.
Once a compatible phone is paired with the Odyssey's Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® system, the user can enable the text messaging function. When the phone receives a text message, an alert appears on the audio touchscreen. Using the touchscreen, the driver can choose to have the message read aloud, can select among the preset reply choices, or can call the sender - all without touching the phone.
To help avoid driver distraction, the text of the incoming message is not displayed on screen unless the transmission is in Park.
Available factory preset text replies:
Talk to you later, I'm driving.
I'm on my way.
I'm running late.
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink®
The Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® interface is designed to offer hands-free operation for many Bluetooth®-enabled mobile telephones. Standard on all Honda Odyssey models, the system wirelessly connects the driver's cell phone to the vehicle's audio system. This allows the driver to make or answer cell phone calls without removing hands from the steering wheel. The system is compatible with Bluetooth®-enabled cell phones that have the Hands Free Profile (HFP). A list of compatible phones can be found at handsfreelink.com or honda.com.
Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® enables audio files to be played through the vehicle's audio system wirelessly with a feature called Bluetooth® Audio. If a compatible audio device is paired, it allows the Bluetooth® device's media to be played wirelessly by the audio system. Cell phone devices that support the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) and Audio Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) 1.3 allow the display of metadata for artist, album and track name on the audio screen. The vehicle's audio controls for "skip forward" and "skip backward" allow for navigation from track to track.
Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System with Voice Recognition and Honda HD Digital Traffic
Standard on the Odyssey EX-L NR, Touring and Elite, the integrated Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System uses GPS technology to provide drivers with turn-by-turn guidance to their chosen destination. This all-new navigation system, developed in cooperation with Garmin, offers many improvements, including enhanced graphics, speed limit display, customized vehicle icons, 3D buildings and terrain, turn-by-turn directions displayed in the instrument cluster and more. The system includes free map database updates for up to 5 years (initial purchase plus one yearly update each year for 4 years). The system includes the HD Digital Traffic feature, which alerts the driver to current traffic conditions and can display alternate routes around gridlock. It features expanded coverage including many surface streets within the U.S., allowing the driver to choose faster, less congested routes. HD Digital Traffic is subscription-free.
The navigation system can be controlled by voice or through the 8-inch capacitive touch-screen audio display utilizing its tap, pinch and swipe functionality. The voice-activation system can respond to more casual command phrases that require less user familiarization, in addition to the previous capability of being able to understand spoken city and street names. This logic applies to audio functionality of the audio/information screen. The navigation system can also be controlled by voice with conventional navigation commands like, "Find nearest Chinese restaurant" or "find nearest ATM."
The audio system is automatically muted when the "Talk" button is pressed. The voice-recognition technology allows the driver to simply speak city and street names aloud, and the system responds by displaying the matches available in the database. Points of interest on the map - such as restaurants or grocery stores - can be displayed with brand logo icons or you can have the system provide turn-by-turn navigation, all by voice command. The massive point-of-interest (POI) database includes telephone numbers that can be dialed by using the Bluetooth® HandsFreeLink® system when the driver's cellular telephone is connected to the system.
The Honda Satellite-Linked Navigation System uses GPS in combination with detailed information from the vehicle's mapping system to pinpoint the vehicle's location and to provide a host of useful mapping and route guidance features. The system's antenna receives positioning information from a network of 24 global positioning satellites. If the antenna is obstructed by a tunnel, a parking garage or a tall building, an internal gyroscopic system and a speed sensor track the location of the vehicle so that the map information remains current and reliable. The vehicle clock is independently controlled by GPS data, so when time zones are crossed while driving, the clock will automatically set itself to the current time.
Rear Entertainment System (EX-L NR, Touring and Elite)
The Odyssey's available state-of-the-art, factory-integrated Rear Entertainment System (RES) is all new and features a 10.2-inch WSVGA (1024x600) display that swings down from the ceiling for easy viewing with low glare and better second- and third-row viewing.
For 2018, the Rear Entertainment System has expanded capability. Using the onboard 4G LTE data network (Touring and Elite) or a paired smartphone (data charges apply), the system offers functionality similar to that of a Smart TV with select content channels.
The system includes a High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) port for attaching high-definition players, digital TV devices such as Apple TV or Roku, compatible tablets and certain gaming consoles. A 115-volt power outlet rated for devices up to 150 watts is included, along with a pair of 2.5-amp USB ports. The system's disc player is located in the center stack of the instrument panel, easily accessible by either the driver or front passenger. The system can play CDs, DVDs. and Blu-ray™ discs.
The Rear Entertainment System can play audio via the Odyssey's speaker system, or through a pair of included wireless headphones. Two additional headphone jacks are also provided.
The Rear Entertainment System includes a fun, kid friendly, puppet themed "How Much Farther?" app. It functions as a "flight tracker," with a colorful on-screen animated marionette play that counts down time and distance to the destination that has been set into the Odyssey's navigation system. Multiple backgrounds with animation give the app a fun feel that's engaging for children.
Safety and Driver Assistance
For 2018, the redesigned Honda Odyssey receives numerous safety improvements and features, helping the new vehicle retain best-in-class safety laurels and strongly reinforcing its appeal with families. This begins with significant improvements to the next-generation Advanced Compatibility Engineering™ (ACE™) body structure, and the expansion of Honda Sensing® features to EX and above trims. Odyssey also adds driver and front passenger knee airbags for the first time, plus rain-sensing windshield wipers, an electric parking brake (EPB) and available LED headlights.
Other electronic advancements for the Touring and Elite trims include a rear cross traffic monitor, CabinWatch second-row seat monitor for families with young children, HondaLink telematics that allow locking and unlocking doors via the driver's smartphone, calling in the event of an emergency, and even stolen-vehicle tracking.
The new 2018 Odyssey was designed to achieve top scores and best-in-class performance in all National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) crash tests.
Top Safety Rating Targets
The new Odyssey was designed to achieve top scores and best-in-class performance in all National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) crash tests. In particular, the Odyssey is projected to attain a 5-Star NHTSA Overall Vehicle Score along with an IIHS TOP SAFETY PICK rating (when equipped with Honda Sensing®).
Pedestrian Injury Mitigation Design
Structures in the front of the 2018 Honda Odyssey are designed to help absorb energy in the event of a collision with a pedestrian. Research by Honda shows that the following features can dramatically improve a pedestrian's chance of survival if struck by a moving vehicle.
Specific pedestrian head injury mitigation features include:
Hood is designed to deform if contact is made with either an adult or a child pedestrian
Sufficient clearance exists between the hood and hard engine parts, allowing the hood to deform if impacted by a pedestrian
Energy-absorbing fender mounts and supports
Deformable hood hinges
Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) with Traction Control
Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) is an Electronic Stability Control system that works in conjunction with the Odyssey's Drive-by-Wire™ throttle and its 4-channel ABS systems to enhance control capability while the vehicle is accelerating, braking, cornering or when the driver makes a sudden maneuver. VSA functions by applying brake force to one or more wheels independently while also managing the throttle, ignition and fuel systems to help the vehicle maintain the driver's intended path of travel.
The VSA system constantly analyzes data from sensors that monitor wheel speed, steering input, lateral and longitudinal G forces and yaw rate. It compares the driver's control inputs with the vehicle's actual response. Whenever the actual response falls outside of a predetermined acceptable range, VSA intervenes with a corrective action. For instance, if VSA detects an oversteer condition, the system may apply braking force to the outside front and rear wheels to counteract the unintended yawing effect. In the event of understeer, VSA may apply braking to the inside rear wheel while reducing engine power to help return the vehicle to its intended course.
VSA also provides a limited-slip differential effect for the front wheels by applying braking force to a slipping wheel, thereby redirecting driving force to the wheel with more traction. VSA is calibrated to function in a near-transparent manner, and in many cases a driver will not even be aware of its operation. However, anytime the system is enhancing vehicle stability, an indicator light flashes in the instrument cluster. While the driver can reduce the traction control effectiveness allowing more wheel slip during stuck condition by pressing the VSA button, ABS remains fully operational at all times.
Motion-Adaptive Electric Power Steering (EPS)
Motion-Adaptive Electric Power Steering (EPS) is standard on all 2018 Odyssey models. The system incorporates driving stability technology that initiates steering inputs that prompt the driver to steer in the correct direction during cornering and in slippery road conditions. Using vehicle speed and steering angle data, Motion-Adaptive EPS works with Honda's Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) and Electric Power Steering to detect instability in slippery road conditions both during cornering and under braking and automatically initiates steering inputs aimed at prompting the driver to steer in the correct direction. This advanced technology supports the driver's action in operating the vehicle more safely and comfortably.
Two examples of how Motion-Adaptive Electric Power Steering (EPS) functions in conjunction with VSA are:
Stabilizes Vehicle under Braking
This function helps to correct the driver's steering input to reduce vehicle instability when the driver is braking hard on road surfaces with different friction coefficients (such as pavement that is partially covered with dirt or snow).
Mitigates Understeer and Oversteer
To mitigate potential understeer or oversteer situations, the system helps correct the steering inputs to help the driver trace the curve.
Brake Assist
A function of the VSA system, the Brake Assist feature recognizes emergency braking situations and almost instantly applies added braking force. This Brake Assist feature is controlled by a special logic in the system that evaluates the pedal application rate and force to recognize a panic stop situation. At that point, the VSA modulator pump increases braking pressure while the pedal is still being pressed to ensure maximum stopping force, an action that can help shorten braking distance.
Advanced 4-Channel ABS with Electronic Brake Distribution
The Odyssey is fitted with 4-wheel disc brakes with 4-channel anti-lock braking (ABS). Optimized master cylinder and caliper bore ratios provide an improved braking feel with more braking effect achieved with less pedal travel. The ABS system also incorporates Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) circuitry that automatically proportions front-to-rear brake force based on the vehicle's dynamic load on each wheel.
Advanced Front Airbags (SRS)
Both the driver and front passenger are protected by advanced front airbags (SRS). Like other Honda vehicles, the driver's front airbag is located in the steering wheel while the passenger airbag is located on the top of the dash. When deployed, the passenger airbag inflates upward and then rearward to maximize its protective potential while reducing the likelihood of injuries caused by airbag deployment.
Driver and Passenger Knee Airbags
The inclusion of both driver's and front passenger's knee airbags is a first for both Honda and Odyssey. The airbags are designed to better control the forward motion of the occupants in the event of a frontal collision, in conjunction with the front airbags and seatbelts. Each knee airbag is contained beneath a panel on the underside of the instrument panel. For improved knee clearance, the panel is contoured away from the knees.
Driver and Front Passenger Side Airbags
Side airbags mounted in the outboard area of each front seatback are designed to help provide pelvis and thorax protection for the driver and front passenger in the event of a severe side impact.
Side Curtain Airbags with Rollover Sensor
All outboard seating positions are protected by side curtain airbags with a rollover sensor system. In the event of a severe side impact, the side curtain airbags deploy from modules in the roof, providing a significant level of head protection in the window area. In the unlikely event of a rollover, a roll-rate sensor, along with multiple G sensors determine the rate of roll and deploy the side curtain airbags accordingly. The side curtain airbags will also deploy and provide head protection in frontal small overlap impacts, such as when the front corner of the vehicle collides with solid object.
Like the other airbag systems in the vehicle, the side curtain system utilizes sensors to determine the most appropriate timing of airbag deployment. To provide the optimal level of protection for occupants, testing was performed to determine the most appropriate timing and rate of deployment in the unlikely event of a rollover. The system uses algorithms to continually evaluate the situation and determines whether a rollover is imminent. The roll-rate sensor and multiple G sensors (accelerometers) determine the "scenario" and calculate the angle of roll and the speed of the vehicle in order to deploy the airbags at the correct point for optimum protection.
In the case of a rollover, the side curtain airbags on both sides of the vehicle will deploy. However, in the event of a sufficient side impact that does not result in a rollover, only the airbags on the impacted side of the vehicle will deploy. The airbag maintains full inflation for approximately six seconds after inflation to allow for the increased duration of a rollover accident.
Whiplash Mitigation Front Seat Design
Both front seats are designed to help mitigate the severity of neck injuries in the event of a rear impact by efficiently dispersing forces against the occupant as the seatback cushion compresses relative to the occupant's head. The seatback springs are optimized so that in a rear crash, when the seatback is pushed forward into the occupant, the seat will absorb the occupant's mass in manner that can help minimize the severity of a whiplash injury.
Adjustable Head Restraints
The first, second and third row seating positions feature individually adjustable head restraints. The third row headrests can be folded down into a non-use position, improving rear visibility.
Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren (LATCH)
All Odyssey models are equipped with a child seat-mounting system called LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for CHildren). All three of the second-row seating positions (two positions on LX trim) and third-row outboard seating positions are fitted with dedicated LATCH attachment points.
The LATCH system provides two lower anchors and an upper tether anchor. When used with a compatible child seat, the LATCH system provides attachment points between the child seat and the vehicle seat without having to use the vehicle's seat belts. Tether anchors are available in all second- and third-row seating positions. All seat belts except the driver's are equipped with a locking retractor that can be used to help secure any child seat. Both rear side doors are also equipped with childproof door locks for added protection.
Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
Tire pressures are monitored using a direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) that reports tire pressure at each location. A pressure readout for each tire can be summoned to the center screen of the instrument display.
Parking Sensors
To assist in maneuvering in tight spaces, such as entering or exiting a parking space, the 2018 Odyssey Touring and Elite trims feature a set of six parking sensors. A sensor is located at each corner of the vehicle with an additional two at the rear. When a sensor(s) detects an object close to the vehicle, the system provides an audible warning plus a visual alert on the MID and, when backing up, also on the Display Audio screen when showing the rearview camera view. With each type of visual alert the system indicates in what direction the detected object is located.
Multi-Angle Rearview Camera
All 2015 and newer Honda models, including the 2018 Odyssey, incorporate a multi-angle rearview camera. Viewable on the Odyssey's standard 5-inch display or, on upper grades, the 8-inch Display Audio touchscreen, the camera can show a top view, normal or wide view when the transmission is in Reverse. Dynamic guidelines project the vehicle's path based on the driver's steering inputs.
Blind Spot Information (BSI)
Included in the 2018 Odyssey EX and above trims, the blind spot information (BSI) system uses radar sensors located on both sides of the rear bumpers to continually monitor blind-spot areas to help determine whether a vehicle is in the driver's blind spot. The system provides a visual cue by lighting an indicator near the side view mirrors, depending on which side of the Odyssey a vehicle is detected. The system also gives an audible warning and flashes the indicator to further alert the driver if the turn signal is activated on the side where a vehicle is being detected. To prevent false alarms while maneuvering at low speed, the BSI system is disabled below approximately 20 mph.
Note that BSI cannot detect all vehicles, and that some vehicles or devices may interfere with the system. Drivers should always visually check for the presence of other vehicles before changing lanes.
Rear Cross Traffic Monitor
New to the 2018 Honda Odyssey EX and above trims, Rear Cross Traffic Monitor works in conjunction with the BSI radar sensors to enhance driver confidence when backing up. The system is especially useful when reversing in congested parking lots with an obstructed view from driver's seat.
The system utilizes a pair of radar units located in the rear bumper corners. When Reverse is selected and an approaching vehicle is detected, arrows indicating the approaching vehicles direction are shown on the center display's rear camera image as well as an audible warning.
Auto High Beams
A new auto high beam (AHB) feature on EX and above trims uses a camera located on the rearview mirror mount to continually scan for oncoming traffic and for traffic ahead of the vehicle in the same lane. The system illuminates the high beams except when oncoming traffic is detected. In this case the headlights automatically switch to the low beams until the traffic has passed, then automatically switch back to high beams. Requiring no intervention or action from the driver, the auto high beam feature significantly improves nighttime illumination for enhanced active safety. The system functions when the headlight switch is in the Auto position, and may be disabled and reactivated by a quick pull on the high-beam stalk. An icon appears on the instrument panel when the system is functioning.
Honda Sensing®
Comprised of a suite of standard and available safety and driver assistive features, Honda Sensing® helps provide greater awareness of driving conditions around the vehicle, and in some cases helps drivers maintain lane position. A first for the Odyssey model, Honda Sensing® comes on EX and above trims.
Honda Sensing® features include the following:
Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS)
Forward Collision Warning (FCW) - Integrated into CMBS
Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)
Road Departure Mitigation (RDM)
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) - Integrated into RDM
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
Collision Mitigation Braking System
The Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™) is one of the most sophisticated driver-assistive technologies available. The CMBS's millimeter wave radar unit, located behind the front grille, and monocular camera, located between the rearview mirror and windshield, scans traffic conditions ahead of the Odyssey.
When the system determines a collision is possible with a detected vehicle, the CMBS's integrated FCW system's visual and audible alerts to prompt the driver to take corrective actions. The visual alert appears on the Multi-Information Display (MID). If the situation is not resolved, CMBS can apply different levels of automatic braking action to help reduce vehicle speed and eventual collision forces, and therefore to help reduce the severity of a collision if the driver doesn't take corrective action on their own. The radar unit and camera work simultaneously and cooperatively to control the VSA modulator, which initiates any required braking.
Due to the effectiveness of its monocular camera, the CMBS on the Odyssey can recognize shapes and differentiate between a vehicle and a pedestrian, warning the driver in each case.
It is important to note that CMBS cannot detect all objects ahead, nor is it intended to replace the driver's assessment of traffic conditions and control of the vehicle. The driver must intervene in certain situations, and must always be attentive when using the system. Although in many cases CMBS will stop the vehicle, it is not intended to apply enough braking force to prevent all collisions. Based on the conditions, the system also may not perform all visual- and audible-alert stages, and may instead automatically engage the brakes if the system deems it necessary.
Forward Collision Warning - Integrated into CMBS
Integrated with CMBS, Forward Collision Warning (FCW) uses the monocular camera to detect vehicles ahead and to determine whether a collision is likely. This reduces the stress of driving in traffic, while also contributing to an increased level of passive safety.
If the FCW system detects a vehicle in front of the Odyssey and then determines that a collision may occur (due to a speed differential between the two vehicles), it will trigger visual and audible alerts for the driver. These include a "BRAKE" message on the Multi-Information Display (MID), and a series of beeps to alert the driver to apply the brake pedal. The FCW system will not automatically brake, and the driver remains responsible for safely operating the vehicle and avoiding collisions. If the driver doesn't respond to the FCW warnings, however, the CMBS is triggered into operation.
Drivers may adjust the distance at which FCW alerts occur by pressing the "Settings" button, selecting "Vehicle Settings," and then choosing "Driver Assist System Setup" and the "Forward Collision Warning Distance" option. At this point they may choose between "Long," "Normal" or "Short."
Note that the FCW system cannot detect all objects ahead and may not detect a given object; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and other factors.
Lane Keeping Assist System
The Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) provides a less stressful driving experience by reducing steering correction movements and driving effort on the highway. LKAS uses a camera to read lane markings and uses the Electric Power Steering to assist the driver in maintaining their position within the lane.
Designed for the U.S. road structure, the system uses a monocular camera mounted on the upper portion of the windshield to identify painted lanes, Botts' Dots and other reflective markers at speeds between 45 mph and 90 mph. When LKAS senses that the driver is drifting from the middle of a detected lane, the system generates corrective steering torque to assist the driver in maintaining lane position.
LKAS may be activated and deactivated using a switch located on the lower right part of the steering wheel. The system will suspend operation after several seconds if the driver takes his or her hands off the wheel, accompanied by a visual warning in the MID, resuming when the driver makes a steering input.
Road Departure Mitigation
Road Departure Mitigation (RDM) is integrated with Lane Departure Warning (LDW). RDM uses a monocular camera (mounted on the upper portion of the windshield) to identify solid or dashed painted lane lines, Botts' Dots and other reflective markers. RDM uses both steering force, via EPS, and, if the vehicle is detected leaving a lane marked by solid lines, braking force, via VSA, to help the Odyssey stay in its lane.
The monocular camera recognizes lane features and identifies the lane. If the RDM system determines that the Odyssey is about to leave a detected lane, it will provide steering assist (primary) and in rare occasions when steering assist is not sufficient to avoid leaving a lane marked by a solid line, braking assist, to help the driver stay on the road. RDM is integrated with the Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) system to provide moderate braking, and with the Electric Power Steering (EPS) system to provide steering input. Multiple visual and tactile warnings alert the driver when the RDM system is taking corrective action. These include a lane departure warning on the driver's Multi Information Display (MID) and a mild but easily noticed shaking/vibration of the steering wheel.
RDM also has three customizable settings: Normal, Wide, and Warning Only. All three provide steering shake/vibration but Normal and Wide add brake and steering assist functions.
Lane Departure Warning - Integrated into RDM
Lane Departure Warning (LDW) is designed to alert the driver if the vehicle is leaving a detected lane without the turn signal being activated. The system functions at speeds from 45 to 90 mph on straight or slightly curved roads, alerting the driver of deviations from a detected lane. The LDW system utilizes the same upper front windshield camera used for CMBS and LKAS and provides visual and tactile alerts prior to the other systems actively engaging.
If the vehicle begins to move out of a detected lane without the turn signal activated, LDW illuminates a Lane Departure message on the Multi-Information Display (MID) and provides a visual and tactile warning, advising the driver to take appropriate action. The system can be activated and deactivated by pressing the RDM button located on the instrument panel, to the left of the steering column.
There are certain conditions under which the system may not engage or operate, including inclement weather (e.g., snow, ice or heavy rain) and extreme cabin heat (due to operability of the camera). The system will automatically suspend operation when the brakes are applied or the turn signals are used. LDW may not detect all lane markings or lane departures; accuracy will vary based on weather, speed and road conditions. The driver remains responsible for safely operating the vehicle.
Adaptive Cruise Control
Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) allows the driver to set a desired speed and following interval from a vehicle detected ahead, allowing the use of cruise control in light traffic conditions. This significantly reduces the driver stress of driving in traffic. The system uses the millimeter wave radar and monocular camera to continually track the distance to the detected vehicle ahead, and then adjusts the Odyssey's speed to maintain the set following interval. A short, medium, long, or extra-long interval can be selected. When required, the Odyssey autonomously brakes using the Vehicle Stability Assist™ (VSA®) modulator. ACC operates in the following ways in the listed circumstances:
A preceding vehicle is detected in the lane ahead - decelerates automatically, if required, and then controls the following distance
Another vehicle merges in between the Odyssey and the preceding vehicle - automatically switches "targets" to the nearest preceding detected vehicle
The preceding vehicle exits the lane - ACC system continues at cruise-control speed previously selected by driver (25 to 90 mph)
A Multi Information Display (MID) message and audible warning (when activated in Settings) alert the driver when ACC detects a vehicle and becomes active.