2017 푸조 5008 / 4천만원대 수입 SUV의 가성비
에너지공단은 푸조 5008의 연비와 제원을 홈페이지에 등록했다. 등록된 자료에 따르면 푸조 5008 GT 2.0 디젤의 연비는 복합 기준 리터당 12.9km다.
도심과 고속도로 연비는 각각 12.1km/ℓ, 14.2km/ℓ로 기록됐다. 반면 엔트리 모델인 1.6 디젤의 복합연비는 12.7km/ℓ(도심 12.3km/ℓ, 고속도로 13.1km/ℓ)로 2.0 디젤보다 다소 낮게 나왔다. 세부적으로 두 모델의 도심 연비는 비슷했지만 2.0 모델의 고속도로 연비가 월등히 우수하게 측정돼 이 같은 결과가 나왔다.
2.0리터 디젤 엔진이 탑재된 5008 GT는 라인업 중 가장 고가의 모델인데 국내에서 효율이나 친환경성은 엔트리 트림보다 우수한 것으로 나타났다”며 “일반적으로 고가 모델의 성능이 높지만 연비와 이산화탄소 배출량까지 우수하게 측정된 것은 이례적인 일이다.
해외에서는 국내와 정반대의 결과를 보였다. 1.6 디젤 모델의 연비가 리터당 23.5km(4.3ℓ/100km)로 2.0 모델(20.8km/ℓ, 4.8ℓ/100km)보다 우수한 것으로 기록됐다. 파워트레인 사양은 동일하다.
푸조 5008은 푸조가 국내 시장에는 처음 선보이는 7인승 SUV 모델로, 지난 2016 파리모터쇼에서 처음 공개됐다. 뉴 5008은 다이내믹한 외관과 공간 활용성을 강조한 내부 디자인이 채택됐으며, 다양한 편의 시스템과 높은 연비로 패밀리 SUV 시장을 적극 공략할 계획이다.
푸조 5008 외관은 입체적인 크롬 패턴이 적용된 프론트 그릴과 매끈하고 균형 잡힌 실루엣, Full LED 헤드램프와 사자가 발톱으로 할퀸 듯한 형상의 ‘LED 푸조 시그니처 리어램프’, ‘다이아몬드 컷팅 18인치 알로이 휠’ 등을 통해 다이내믹하면서도 고급스러운 이미지를 강조한다.
실내는 인체공학적 설계에 중점을 둔 2세대 아이-콕핏(i-Cockpit®)을 적용하고, 콤팩트 스티어링 휠, 12.3인치 고해상도 헤드업 디지털 인스트루먼트 패널, 8인치 인포테인먼트 터치 스크린, 토글 스위치 등을 통해 주행 중에도 직관적으로 중요한 정보를 확인할 수 있도록 했다.
푸조 5008의 최대 강점은 실내 공간이다. 뉴 푸조 5008은 PSA그룹의 EMP2 플랫폼을 활용했으며, 초고장력 강판과 알루미늄 등을 통해 안전성을 유지하면서도 기존 모델 대비 약 100kg의 경량화를 달성했다. 푸조 5008은 3008 SUV 대비 휠 베이스는 165mm 늘어난 2840mm, 전체 길이는 190mm 늘어난 4640mm를 기록하며, 1열 팔 공간이 11mm, 2열 무릎 공간도 60mm 확대돼 보다 안락한 승차 공간을 제공한다.
2열 시트는 등받이 각도를 개별적으로 조절 할 수 있어 편의성을 향상시켰다. 2열 시트는 1:1:1로 폴딩되며, 탈 부착이 가능한 3열 시트와 함께 다양한 형태로 공간을 구성할 수 있다.
적재 공간은 기본 236.8ℓ이며, 3열 시트만 폴딩하면 952ℓ, 3열 시트를 탈거하고 2열 시트까지 접을 경우 최대 2150ℓ까지 확보가 가능하다. 또 조수석 시트를 접을 경우, 최대 3.2m 길이의 짐을 실을 수 있어 캠핑이나 레저 등 다양한 라이프 스타일을 지원한다.
눈 길(Snow)을 비롯, 평지(Normal), 진흙(Mud), 모래(Sand), ESP 오프(ESP Off) 등 다섯 가지 주행 모드를 지원하는 어드밴스드 그립컨트롤(Advanced Grip Control)과 내리막길 주행 시 속도와 브레이크를 제어하는 힐 어시스트 디센트 컨트롤(Hill Assist Descent Control)이 적용돼 안정적인 주행을 지원한다.
푸조 5008 SUV는 유럽의 신차 안전성 평가인 유로 NCAP(European New car Assessment Program) 충돌테스트에서 최고 등급을 획득하며 안전성을 입증했다. 또 2열 시트 좌석에는 3개의 카시트를 장착할 수 있다.
액티브 세이프티 브레이크, 차선 이탈 방지 시스템, 액티브 블라인드 스팟, 하이빔 어시스트, 운전자 주의 알람 시스템, 크루즈 컨트롤 등 운전자 보조 시스템(Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, ADAS)을 대거 기본 적용해 안전성을 향상시켰다.
‘전후방 파킹 센서’를 비롯, ‘180도 후방 카메라’, ‘2열 윈도우 블라인드’, ‘듀얼 에어컨디셔닝 시스템’, 블루투스 오디오 스트리밍, 12V 전원 소켓 등이 기본으로 제공된다.
GT 라인은 알뤼르 트림에 GT라인만의 아이덴티티와 편의사양을 더한 것이 특징이다. 외관은 ‘블랙 다이아몬드 루프’와 개폐 가능한 전동식 ‘파노라믹 오프닝 글래스 루프’를 통해 고급감을 더욱 강조한 모습이며, 차량 전측면과 후면, 스티어링 휠 하단에는 ‘GT Line’ 엠블럼이 적용됐다. ‘트윈 머플러 이팩트 트림’은 스포티한 느낌을 제공하며, ‘푸조 라이온 LED 도어 커티시 라이트’는 야간운행 시 안전한 승하차를 지원한다.
실내는 A필러부터 C필러 라인까지 ‘블랙 루프 라이닝’을 적용해 스포티한 이미지를 연출하며, 스티어링 휠은 천연 타공 가죽 소재를 활용해 그립감을 향상시켰다. 대시보드와 암레스트, 기어레버에는 GT라인 전용 ‘아키나이트 레드 스티치’가 사용됐다.
스마트폰 무선 충전 기능이 추가됐으며,‘핸즈 프리 테일게이트’, 아이-콕핏 앰플리파이(i-Cockpit Amplify)가 적용된다. 아이-콕핏 엠플리파이를 통해 운전자는 헤드업 인스트루먼트 패널 테마와 터치스크린의 밝기 및 컬러, 이퀄라이저 설정, 세계적인 조향사와의 협업으로 만들어진 3가지 향의 디퓨저 기능 등을 취향에 맞게 설정할 수 있다.
Its name hasn't changed, but everything else has. The new Peugeot 5008 breaks new ground as a large seven-seater SUV in the C segment. As a new contender in this growing consumer market, it boasts many strengths. The all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV includes the latest version of the outstanding Peugeot i-Cockpit®, Efficient Modular Platform 2 (EMP2), and a plethora of high-tech features that enhance comfort and safety. Behind the elegant, dynamic design lies a superbly practical vehicle. With seven seats, the all-new Peugeot 5008 is the first SUV to offer modularity on par with that of the best people-carriers. A range of powerful, efficient engines and designs - including sporty GT Line and GT versions - is available for the new Peugeot 5008 SUV, to be unveiled at the 2016 Paris Motor Show in September before its launch in spring 2017.
The future looks bright for large C-segment seven-seater SUVs
The segment has changed a lot since 2009, when the first-generation Peugeot 5008 was released, and since then a great number of SUVs have entered the market in nearly all segments. This new kind of vehicle is an exceptional match for the expectations of today's customers. It has taken but a few years for the SUV profile to become the third best-selling in Europe - with all segments combined - surpassed only by B- and C-segment saloons.
The SUV is truly a modern automobile, offering users the attractive combination of status, sophisticated technology, impressive practicality and driving emotions. It puts drivers at centre stage and answers their urge to go new places and experience new things.
These values mirror the Peugeot brand image and the move up-market strategy, leading Peugeot engineers in 2012 to set themselves the ambitious task of releasing five new SUVs in under a year. This brand offensive got under way in March 2016 with the unveiling of the new Peugeot 2008 SUV and continued in May when the company revealed its spectacular new Peugeot 3008 SUV. In China, the latest version of the existing 3008 continues to be sold, its design has recently been refreshed, while an extended version of the new Peugeot 3008 SUV for the Chinese market - will be identified as the Peugeot 4008 SUV - has just made its first appearance at the Chengdu Motor Show. The new Peugeot 5008 SUV is thus the fifth SUV to be unveiled by the Peugeot brand within the year.
So why make the new Peugeot 5008 an SUV, thereby abandoning the C-segment seven-seater people-carrier niche? The answer is firstly because the people-carrier segment is almost exclusively a European phenomenon, while with the 5008 SUV we are looking at a worldwide market, and secondly, the incredible success of the C SUV appears to have been compensated by an erosion in demand for traditional saloons and people-carriers. It is thought most likely because today's customers are ever more eager to break the mould of standard vehicle profiles. Furthermore, some of them, especially owners of people-carriers and estate cars, no longer want to be pigeonholed as drivers of merely utilitarian family vehicles. And finally, everyone just wants to enjoy the whole benefits of driving one. These vehicles transform otherwise tedious trips into opportunities for driver and passengers to share a pleasant experience. In light of all this, the choice of design for the new Peugeot 5008 was obvious: it would have to be an SUV.
Few car manufacturers currently offer large C SUVs, because this subsegment is still developing, so there is a real demand and a lot of potential. Today many drivers are drawn to the SUV concept and the positive images it projects, but they are also looking for volume, roominess, comfort, and utility compatible with the diverse aspects of their active lives. For these people, standards SUVs are neither a good fit (too small and lacking in modularity) nor a good deal (bigger SUVs are too expensive and too imposing). Even current SUV owners, who love the design of their vehicle and the status it conveys, often want more volume and versatility.
The new Peugeot 5008 SUV is thus clearly a modern automobile, offering a new on-board experience and smart features, and it has what it takes to stand out as the benchmark for its class.
By virtue of its unique qualities, the newly unveiled Peugeot 5008 SUV aims to achieve three objectives:
to pursue the brand's move up-market strategy
to be an international success
to become the leading (benchmark) C-segment large seven-seater SUV.
The Peugeot 5008 SUV can rely on its many strengths to reach these goals. It all begins with a stunning interior that is nonetheless extremely practical.
The new Peugeot i-Cockpit® elevates the passenger compartment!
No other vehicle in its class matches the new Peugeot 5008 SUV for its trailblazing design: optimised and efficient geometry, a roomy interior, and a range of smart features. It has inherited the many traits of the new Peugeot 2008 and 3008 SUVs that make the Peugeot family of vehicles the most distinguished, modern, and stylistically consistent currently on the market.
To start off, there's the truly unique driver's environment. The first thing to see when opening the front doors is the latest version of the innovative, almost futuristic - Peugeot i-Cockpit®, which offers vehicle occupants a novel driving experience that both surprises and delights.
It has it all: a compact steering wheel (the smallest on the market, across all segments), an 8" capacitive touchscreen, and a spectacular 12.3" high-resolution digital head-up instrument panel. The latter will impress drivers with its superior graphics, elegant animations, and eye-pleasing transitions between modes that they can customise and configure. The responsive, user-friendly touchscreen puts all the information drivers need for a comfortable trip at their fingertips. The seven central satin chrome dashboard switches offer quick access to the main passenger comfort and safety functions: radio, Air Conditioning, Satellite Navigation, vehicle settings, telephone, apps, and hazard warning lights.
However that is only the beginning of the sensory experience in store for passengers. GT Line and GT versions also feature an extra button, next to the dashboard switches, to take things up a notch. With i-Cockpit® Amplify, be prepared for a richer driving experience that stimulates four senses at once:
sight, by adjusting screen colour and compartment lighting intensity
hearing, via musical ambience settings
touch, through five different multipoint seat massage programmes
smell, with a fragrance diffuser.
The vehicle offers occupants two predefined sensory environments: 'Boost', in tune with a dynamic driving style, and 'Relax', for a mellower ambience. Both can be fully customised, to accentuate the pleasure of driver and passengers alike, and guarantee a unique on-board experience.
This on-board experience is also enhanced by interior details that greatly magnify perceived quality and the modern feel of the passenger compartment. The new electric impulse automatic gearbox control exemplifies the modern elegance of the interior, through the meticulous selection of materials - like leather and chrome. Here is masterful design with a warm soul. The front-seat environment of the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV is undoubtedly well appointed. But what can the other passengers look forward to in terms of space and features?
Spacious interior and more functions
The 2.84-m wheelbase of the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV makes it the most liveable of C-segment SUVs! The Efficient Modular Platform (EMP2) is specified with a wheelbase 16.5 cm longer than the new Peugeot 3008 SUV, and is 11cm wider than the original 5008, and second-row passengers, have 60mm more knee room.
The overall length of the vehicle (4.64m) remains compact, yet for a spacious C-segment vehicle, the new Peugeot 5008 SUV-though 19cm longer than the new Peugeot 3008 SUV and 11cm longer than the original version of the 5008-is still one of the most conservatively proportioned and its extra length makes it roomier for passengers.
The vehicle's optimised architecture is only part of the package on offer. The new Peugeot 5008 is more than just an SUV. It stands out in the market with an innovative configuration:
three matching, separate, folding and tilting seats in the second row
two removable, separate, folding seats in the third row.
What isn't to love about the three separate second-row seats of the new Peugeot 5008 SUV?
They are all the same width, ensuring all three passengers enjoy the same comfort.
Their length is adjustable, allowing reconfiguration of the passenger and loading compartments, and knee room is optimised.
They offer five different angles of inclination (the original version of the 5008 had just two).
All feature adjustable headrests that drop down low when the seats are empty, for easy rear viewing.
Users can easily fold them down from the outside or from the boot to yield a rigid floor with seat-back covers to make a seamless flat surface.
Each features three-point Isofix anchor points.
The new Peugeot 5008 SUV also offers a third row of two extra seats that fold down into the boot floor are standard or optional, depending on the equipment level in the country of sale. The two covers of the boot floor form a perfectly flat surface when folded down, and they can also be easily tucked away behind the third-row seats when these are in use.
Controls on the top of the second-row side-seat backs facilitate access to the third-row seats. In just one movement, the second-row side seats tilt and slide forward for easier third-row entry.
But that's not all. The vehicle's clever design inspired Peugeot engineers to make these extra seats easily removable. Their modest weight (<11kg) and a single control make them easy to extract, so users can expand boot volume when needed. Each third-row seat that is removed yields 39dm3 (VDA 210) more space.
This makes for a huge boot capacity - the biggest in the category. With up to 780 dm3 (VDA 210), or 1,060 l, in 5-seat configuration, the boot is 100 dm3 larger than the original 5008. Its flat, uncluttered volume and low boot sill (676 mm), in combination with a foldable front passenger seat, allow the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV to carry especially long loads (potentially up to 3.20 m).
A practical hands-free smart electric tailgate (standard on the GT version) opens and closes quickly and effortlessly when activated - simply by placing your foot under the rear bumper.
The spacious, functional, modular, practical and cleverly designed interior of the new Peugeot 5008 SUV meets all the challenges of daily lives and adapts to a multitude of situations. Adding further to that is a host of accessories (sockets, boot cover, blinds, 'aeroplane' trays on the back of the first row seats, hooks, cupholders, etc.) and storage spaces (38 l in total, distributed throughout the passenger compartment) for a much greater on-board experience.
The design, equipment, on-board technology, high-quality materials, and detailing distinguish the passenger compartment of the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV from any other in its market. The interior is an invitation to take a seat and enjoy a special experience travelling in comfort, serenity, and luxury. Its exterior fully complements this image.
An SUV with an imposing exterior
The all-new Peugeot 5008 is a real SUV. All the hallmarks are there: long, horizontal bonnet; vertical face; and raised body line. The inspired design conveys power and respect, each line and curve perfectly positioned to project balance and uniformity. The contours of the new Peugeot 5008 SUV are both harmonious and elegant for a vehicle of its size.
While the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV has been extended (by 19 cm, including a longer 16.5-cm wheelbase), its height remains the same (1.64 m with roof bars - standard on all models), which gives it a long and dynamic profile. Its striking form is accentuated by a raised body plane; the top trim beautifully frames the glazed surfaces, including the rear corner window; and an elongated roof that suggests fluidity and agility - clean, crisp, and contoured. GT Line and GT versions feature a contrasting Black Diamond glossy black roof projects still greater prestige, elegance, and modernity. At the limits of the next vehicle size segment and the world of premium car manufacturers, the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV emanates an authentic aura of luxury.
The protective elements that enhance it include alloy wheels ranging from 17" up to 19" on the GT, and profiled standard-fit aluminium longitudinal roof bars which all add a subtle blend of character and sophistication to the vehicle contours. Everything comes together to make the design extremely modern, even futuristic, without falling into the traps of being too fussy, or ostentatious in style. The stretched profile also highlights the volume of the passenger compartment. From the outside, the doors, wheelbase, and large panoramic opening glass sunroof - standard on GT versions, which bathes the interior in light, and gives occupants a pleasant feeling of just how spacious and accommodating the vehicle is on the inside.
The exclusive wide grille with chrome fins, at the centre of which stands the Brand's Lion - dignified, not showy - carries the power and fluidity of the vehicle up front. The finesse of the vehicle's halogen headlamps gives it a piercing feline gaze that becomes sharper with optional full-beam LED headlamps (standard equipment on GT Line and GT versions). When the latter are specified, the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV features a chrome chequered grille and distinctive front bumper. The expressive front-end design mirrors the assertive personality of its owner and pride in the brand identity. It's a real Peugeot! and a real SUV!
The rear design expresses strength and security. It features flattering curves and the gloss black strip along the bottom of the rear window that sets the latest breed of Peugeot SUVs apart. The Peugeot logo and brand name are on the centre of the strip, which connects the signature LED 'claw effect' rear lights, a marks that clearly identify it as a Peugeot vehicle - by day and by night. The rear profile - including an extra-wide tailgate and low boot sill - that also hints at just how spacious (and practical) the boot is.
The new 5008 SUV is a superbly designed vehicle that is lower, more spacious and less bulky than its competitors. From whatever angle viewed, the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV is a finely crafted vehicle sparing nothing in details. Many elements come together to forge this impression - perfect trim, chrome highlights in selective locations around the vehicle exterior, and the two-tone body finish - conveying elegance, class, and good taste.
Driving and travelling pleasure that rivals the best touring vehicles
The all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV, the 308, and the all-new 3008 SUV all feature the Efficient Modular Platform (EMP2). And that says it all, because the EMP2, is already acknowledged for its dynamism, optimally combining comfort and great road handling.
Its modularity adapts to a variety of vehicle sizes, through utilising 55mm wheelbase extensions. The all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV is specified with three extensions (165mm longer) than the all-new 3008 SUV. When it comes to driving pleasure, the all-new Peugeot 5008 may be an SUV, but it is first and foremost a Peugeot! Company engineers had a clear mission: to make this imposing SUV a leader for road handling and to procure driving enjoyment through assured road handling with precise steering feel. Mission accomplished: despite its larger size, the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV offers astonishing levels of agility and safety, so that even the shortest trip or routine outing becomes a pleasurable experience. Knowing that the new 5008 is one of the safest and enjoyable vehicles on the road will bring new levels of delight to its occupants.
This new Peugeot is an invitation to travel-in luxury, not least because it has excellent sound insulation and a number of features for the comfort of all on board:
body-hugging front seats feature an optional multipoint massage system for the driver
a FOCAL® Premium Hi-Fi system, for the finest French acoustics
a large panoramic opening glass roof featuring tilt / slide and mood lighting
a Smartphone charging plate on the centre console, which uses magnetic induction to automatically recharge devices compliant with the Qi 1.1 standard.
Cutting-edge Advanced Driver Assistance Systems make driving even safer with an arsenal of safety features (standard or optional, depending on market location specifications):
A Safety pack, including Automatic Emergency Braking System (AEBS) and Distance Alert systems
Active Lane Keeping Assistance (LKA)
Driver attention warning
Smart Beam Assistance
Speed sign recognition and speed suggestion
Adaptive cruise control with stop feature (automatic gearbox)
Active blind spot monitoring
Park Assist
Visio Park (360° vision)
Exclusive optional Advanced Grip Control, including new Hill Assist Descent Control (HADC), which permits the Peugeot 5008 SUV to stray confidently off the beaten track and be fully-controlled, be it to climb or venture over loose surfaces or descend safely at lowest speeds.
The best in permanent connectivity
Like its driver, the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV lives within its time. Functions like the Mirror Screen and 3D connected navigation fulfil the driver's need to remain connected while behind the steering wheel and stay on course without stress.
A step closer to reality, the 3D navigation system displays buildings and landmarks while taking driver preference into account. One turn of the steering wheel dial switches the navigation system output from the 8.0"capacitive touchscreen to the 12.3" high-resolution digital head-up instrument panel for easier reading. The TomTom® Traffic interface means having essential driving information in real time: local weather, the locations of nearby car parks and service stations, and even optional (subscription-based) display of TomTom® transient or permanent high-risk zones based on reliable reports by the user community.
The Mirror Screen function displays a copy of your smartphone screen to the vehicle's touchscreen for easy app access. It is compatible with MirrorLink (Android), Android Auto, and Apple CarplayTM (iPhone 5 and later). Pressing a button on the steering wheel activates smartphone voice recognition (Android S-Voice or Apple Siri). Drivers can thus keep their eyes on the road while safely placing a call, selecting music, reading and sending text messages, or requesting an itinerary. Permanent connectivity is now a reality.
The Peugeot Connect pack harnesses the latest technology for enhanced navigation, safety (Peugeot Connect SOS & Assistance), and maintenance (Peugeot Connect pack remote services).
For the driver, accessing this information couldn't be simpler or more intuitive. Mastering all the features of the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV interfaces is easy.
A superior range of powerful and efficient vehicles
The new Peugeot 5008 SUV vehicle range perfectly matches the strategy developed by the brand over the last few years. Like the last model launches from the Lion brand, the 5008 range includes:
three mainstream versions (Access, Active, and Allure)
a high-end trimmed, sporty appearance GT Line version
an exclusively dynamic GT version.
Whatever engine or style the customer chooses, the optimised architecture of the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV make it a high achiever. To begin with, it's lighter than its predecessor. The EMP2 platform has the perfect balance between mass, strength, and functionality on all levels to yield a vehicle that weighs 95 kg less than the original 5008. It gets better though. The vehicle's aerodynamic design and optimized external dimensions give it one of the lowest drag areas (CdA) in the segment at 0.76 m2 (for the best vehicle versions). Ultra Low Resistance 17", 18", or Michelin slimline 19" (205 55 R19) tyres further accentuate the overall performance of the 5008 SUV range.
In Europe, ultra-efficient, high-performance Euro6.1 petrol or diesel engines make the new Peugeot 5008 SUV a pacesetter in the market of large seven-seater C-segment SUVs.
Whether the choice is petrol or diesel, all versions stand out above their competitors with engines of the same power class. CO2 emissions are as low as 115 g/km for petrol and only 105 g/km for diesel, with BlueHDi technology.
There are four petrol engines available for the all-new 5008 SUV:
1.2L PureTech 130 S&S six-speed manual, standard (CO2 at 117g/km) or super-efficient (CO2 at 115 g/km) version
1.2L PureTech 130 S&S six-speed automatic (CO2 at 120g/km)
1.6L PureTech 165 S&S six-speed automatic (CO2 at 133g/km).
Six diesel engines (availability dependent on location) complete the range:
1.6L BlueHDi 100 S&S five-speed manual (CO2 at 106g/km)
1.6L BlueHDi 120 S&S six-speed manual, standard (CO2 at 108g/km) or super-efficient (CO2 at 105g/km)
1.6L BlueHDi 120 S&S six-speed automatic (CO2 at 112g/km)
2.0L BlueHDi 150 S&S six-speed manual (CO2 at 118g/km)
2.0L BlueHDi 180 S&S six-speed automatic (CO2 at 124g/km).
The last engine listed above is exclusively available for the dynamic, top-of-the range GT version.
Innovative Peugeot urban mobility solutions
As access to city centres proves increasingly challenging, Peugeot is providing innovative mobility solutions for today's world. When unveiling the new Peugeot 3008 SUV in May, it turned heads with the simultaneous release of the e-Kick, a very smart electrically assisted folding scooter.
The e-Kick was developed in partnership with MICRO, a worldwide leader in scooters under whose name it is also jointly marketed. The e-Kick slides easily into the boot of the new Peugeot 3008 or 5008 and onto its mobile dockstation, so that it's always available (and charged) when needed.
But there's more still! The release of the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV coincides with that of the e-Bike eF01, a new electrically assisted portable bicycle with an ultra-modern design. Just like the e-Kick, the e-Bike eF01 has a dockstation located in the boot of the new Peugeot 5008 SUV.
These unique offers target clients seeking mobility solutions that complement their vehicle and make the final part of their journey to their destination that much easier. They won't be disappointed, because the e-Kick and the e-Bike can each be integrated in the MYPeugeot mobile app that displays battery power and range, weather, and route info in real time. City life just got simpler. Vive la liberté!
Made in France
The new Peugeot 5008 SUV is manufactured in Rennes, while the Trémery and Douvrin sites produce the powertrains for every 5008 sold around the globe. The new Peugeot 5008 SUV will accordingly sport the 'Origine France Garantie' label. Unveiled at the 2016 Paris Motor Show, the new 5008 will be launched in international markets starting in Spring 2017.
The new Peugeot i-Cockpit®: the sensations amplifier
The new Peugeot i-Cockpit® is more of everything. More refined, more advanced, more connected, more intuitive. It also offers more emotional satisfaction and potential customisation.
With the i-Cockpit® Amplify option (standard on GT Line and GT versions), push a button on the middle of the dashboard to instantly stimulate four sensual experiences at once:
sight, through adjustments to screen colour and compartment lighting intensity
hearing, through musical ambience settings and acoustic profiles
touch, through multi-point seat massage programmes
smell, through its fragrance diffuser
The vehicle offers passengers two sensory environments to begin with: 'Boost', for energetic driving, and 'Relax', for a calmer experience. Both can be fully customised; accentuate the pleasure of driver and passengers alike, and guarantee a unique, unforgettable on-board experience.
Quality is also de rigueur with the i-Cockpit® Amplify range of fragrances. They have been developed with Scentys and Antoine Lie, an internationally renowned perfumer, for a luxury aromatic experience.
Each of the three fragrances on offer has its own personality:
Cosmic Cuir is the brand's sensual, vibrant signature perfume
Aerodrive is a crisp, stimulating scent with verve ('Boost' mode default)
Harmony Wood is a grounded, downtempo fragrance ('Relax' mode default).
There are three levels of diffusion intensity.
The Driver Sport Pack - also available on the 308 and all-new 3008 SUV - further heightens the senses of sight, touch, and hearing with:
stronger, tauter assisted steering
more responsive accelerator pedal action
greater engine and gearbox agility (enhanced by paddle shifters on automatic gearbox versions)
amplified engine sound for a sportier feel (with digital amplifier that enhances passenger compartment acoustics)
colour graphics (instrument panel and touchscreen), and display of dynamic driving stats on instrument panel (current power output, oversupply pressure, and acceleration along both axes).
FOCAL® Premium Hi-Fi for first-class acoustic travel
As a world premiere, the all-new Peugeot 3008 and 5008 SUVs offer optional factory installation of a hi-fi system designed by accomplished French manufacturer FOCAL®. FOCAL® has been an acoustics specialist for over 35 years, and its signature sound and patented innovations are famous worldwide.
The system in the 5008 has ten speakers featuring an optional exclusive FOCAL® technology for pure, crisp sound to delight occupants:
Hi-Fi medium speakers / woofers: Polyglass technology for balance and precision
TNF tweeters: Inverted aluminium domes for superior sound mapping and crystal-clear high notes
Subwoofer: 200mm triple-coil Power FlowerTM technology for dynamic high-definition bass
12-track 515-Watt active amplification: Hybrid AB/D-class technology providing fine texture for high notes and power for low notes.
All speakers have metallic grilles, and the front and rear tweeters wear the FOCAL® badge.
Array of cutting-edge driving assistance functions
Drivers can rely on a wide selection of driving assistance systems to fully appreciate the agility of the new Peugeot 5008 SUV. These functions may all be enabled or deactivated using the Vehicle settings menu.
Advanced Grip Control
This optional system bolsters traction through the following features:
optimised slip resistance with five grip modes (normal, snow, mud, sand, ESP OFF) selected using a dial on the central console
18" mud and snow (all-season) tyres.
Hill Assist Descent Control (HADC), activated by a button on the central console, is a new function that takes the vehicle safely down steep gradients, leaving nothing to chance. It innovates through its ability to maintain a very low descent speed of 3 km/h (2mph), preserving safety and control in the most potentially unnerving situations.
Automatic Emergency Braking System (AEBS) and Distance Alert
Standard on all versions of the all-new 5008 SUV, Distance Alert warns the driver if there is a risk the vehicle may collide with a vehicle or pedestrian ahead.
The Automatic Emergency Braking System (AEBS) comes into play next, if the driver fails to apply the brakes or otherwise react in a timely manner. It helps avoid or lessen the severity of an imminent collision by reducing vehicle speed - without any action on the part of the driver. The system reacts to vehicles, whether stationary or moving with traffic in the same direction, as well as pedestrians on the road. (It does not detect bicycles, motorcycles, animals, or inanimate objects on the thoroughfare.)
The Automatic Emergency Braking System (AEBS) is enabled when the vehicle is moving at a speed:
between 5 and 140 km/h, if another moving vehicle is detected;
under 80 km/h, if another, stationary vehicle is detected;
under 60 km/h, if a pedestrian is detected.
Active Lane Departure warning system
Using a camera that recognises the broken or solid painted lines between road lanes, this system detects when the vehicle drifts unintentionally across them. To ensure safety, a visual signal and a warning sound are triggered if the vehicle is moving faster than 80 km/h (50mph), image analysis by the camera suggests that driver attention is waning, and the car is swerving.
When moving at a speed between 65 (40mph) and 180 km/h (111mph), the Active Lane Departure warning system also corrects the trajectory if an involuntary lane change is imminent by gradually steering the vehicle back on course. The driver may override this protective feature if the vehicle's trajectory was intentional (as when avoiding something up ahead) by holding the steering wheel steady. The directional indicator also disables the trajectory correction.
Driver attention warning system
A standard feature on the all-new Peugeot 5008 SUV is the Rest reminder. This system sounds a warning and displays a message prompting the driver to take a break if it detects that the vehicle has been driving continuously at over 65 km/h (40mph) for two hours.
The Driver attention warning system complements the Rest reminder. A camera at the top of the windscreen evaluates the vehicle's movement. To be specific, it assesses driver awareness by comparing lane markings with the vehicle trajectory and thereby detects any swerving. The system then sounds alarms and displays warning messages (e.g.�'Be careful' or 'Rest') that vary according to the level of urgency.
Peugeot Smartbeam Assistance
The camera at the top of the windscreen analyses detected light sources. It switches automatically between full and dipped beams according to traffic and lighting conditions. This maximises use of full beam in the interest of safety and optimised sight in reduced-light conditions.
Speed sign recognition and speed suggestion
Standard on all versions, the camera above the windscreen also recognises and interprets road signs marking the beginning or end of speed limit zones, and displays the corresponding speed on the instrument panel. The system also obtains speed limit information from the vehicle's navigational maps. Special speed limit indications, such as those that apply to heavy trucks, are not displayed. This feature is standard on all versions.
Speed suggestion completes this package. The driver can choose to set vehicle speed to the speed detected by the camera by pushing the cruise control 'MEM' button.
Adaptive Cruise Control with stop feature (ACC Stop) on automatic gearbox models
The vehicle is equipped with a radar in the centre of the front bumper that has a range of 150 metres. When driving at a speed between 30 (18mph) and 180 km/h (111mph), ACC Stop serves two functions:
to maintain the cruising speed set by the driver
to stay a safe distance from the vehicle ahead (with predefined 'far', 'normal', and 'close' settings).
The ACC Stop system detects a vehicle ahead that is moving in the same direction of traffic. It automatically adapts speed to that of the vehicle detected, using the engine and normal brake systems (thus activating the brake lights) to maintain a safe and constant following distance until the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
This function is standard or optional for vehicles with automatic gearboxes only (except the 1.2L PureTech 130 S&S six-speed manual).
Active Blind Spot Monitoring system
When driving at a speed between 12 (7.5) and 140 km/h (87mph), this system warns the driver if a car, truck, or two-wheeled vehicle is in a blind spot, should its presence potentially pose a danger. An indicator lights up on the corresponding door mirror.
This system works in sync with the Active Lane Departure warning system. If the driver begins to cross a lane marking with the intent to change lanes, while the turn signals are on, and a vehicle is detected in the relevant blind spot, the door mirror warning indicator will light up and the lane departure system will attempt to correct the vehicle's trajectory to avoid a collision.
Visiopark 1 & 2
The vehicle comes equipped with 180° video cameras positioned on the rear hatch (Visiopark 1) and the front grille (Visiopark 2). Together they provide a view of the vehicle's immediate surroundings, which are displayed on the touchscreen. The parking aid sensors provide additional data to construct a real-time 360° aerial view of the vehicle and the area around it during the parking procedure.
This makes it easier to align the vehicle while remaining aware of all nearby obstacles.
Park Assist
Ultrasonic sensors on the sides of the vehicle allow Park Assist to play a more active role in parking.
First, sensors on both bumpers detect a parking space big enough to accommodate the vehicle.
Then, Park Assist automatically steers the vehicle into the spot.
The driver manages acceleration, braking, gear changes, and the clutch (on manual gearbox versions). While the vehicle is entering or leaving a parking spot, Park Assist provides the driver with visual and audible cues and information to guarantee safety. The driver may also take control of the steering process at any time, simply by taking control of the steering wheel.
Park Assist manages parallel and perpendicular parking.